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The Patron Saint of Justice

Nate Schaller

“The Patron Saint of Justice,” a new mural by the internationally renowned Icelandic artist Lokey Prakkarastrik, featuring Polk County’s often controversial but never camera-shy Sheriff Grady Judd, has been approved to replace “The Calm.” The former mural depicting a group of people riding atop a whale has graced the west side of Heartland Church in downtown Winter Haven since 2015.

“I must admit, at first, I was at a loss,” Prakkarastrik said. Eventually, the artist found her inspiration with the help of the social media platform TikTok.

“I was aimlessly scrolling my life away on the TikToks… the addictive nature of this platform is maddening. However, I came across this video of the great Sheriff Grady telling people to chill out, drink 7ups, eat the Moonpies, and stop with the murdering. I said to myself, “Ég hef fundið það! This is it, my muse!”

“For the most part, the people in this community are excited about this new piece,” said James De’Pokets, the millionaire investor who commissioned the mural. “The Patron Saint of Justice’’ will be the first of several art installations scheduled to hit the streets of Central Florida in 2022. These art pieces are all a part of his initiative to pay tribute to local heroes through the power of art, simply called Make America Grateful for Our Local Men and Women That Put Their Lives on the Line Every Day, Again. “It’s a working title,” says De’Pokets. “I think this is going to be a beautiful addition to the other murals and sculptures featured in downtown Winter Haven. I can think of no better way to honor a great man that has dedicated his life to shooting bad guys and shooting them a lot.”

Local residents and business owners are divided on the execution of the project.

Pat Hernandez, owner and sole proprietor of Smooth Operator Bikini Waxes, located directly across the street from the new mural, had this to say. “When a client comes in for one of my world-famous bikini waxes, they expect two things. Number one, the absolute smoothest bikini line money can buy, and two, a great view of downtown Winter Haven, unobstructed by this grotesque attempt of self-expression. It’s the last thing I want my clients to see. It’s hideous. And as a person who stares at butts all day, that’s saying something.”

However, some people see this as a welcomed addition to the thriving artistic culture of downtown.

People like Karen Conway, a self-described proud animal rights activist, said, “I am so happy to see that disgusting display of animal abuse taken down and replaced with something wholesome. Sheriff Grady Judd is a true American hero who inspires me to be a better person and makes my heart smile.”

Although Sheriff Grady Judd could not be reached directly to comment on his new shrine, a representative from the Polk County Sheriff’s Office had this to say, “Everyone here at the Sheriff’s office is deeply moved by this arresting work of art. We all know how much Grady hates the spotlight. It’s about time our Sheriff gets a little recognition for all the good work he has done.”

If you know a local hero and would like to nominate them to the Make America Grateful for Our Local Men and Women That Put Their Lives on the Line Every Day, Again Arts Initiative, email

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