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You're Vulture-ly Irresistible!

While February often conjures images of lovebirds and heart-shaped candies, not every species in Polk County has such romantic associations. Enter the vultures and buzzards: nature’s misunderstood cleanup crew.

These fascinating scavengers—essential to the health of ecosystems in Polk County—may not win a popularity contest, but their vital role in keeping the environment clean and disease-free deserves a closer look.

So, this Valentine’s Day, let’s skip the roses and candy hearts for a moment and celebrate these lesser loved, but equally important, members of Florida’s wildlife.


In Florida, the term “buzzard” is often used colloquially to refer to vultures, but the two are not technically the same. Buzzards are hawk-like birds found in Europe, whereas the scavenging birds in Florida are true vultures. Polk County is home to two species: the turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) and the black vulture (Coragyps atratus).

Turkey vultures are easy to identify by their red, featherless heads and long, broad wings with a light-colored bar on the edge of their wings. They are masters of soaring, relying on thermal air currents to glide for long periods with minimal effort as they search for food.

Black vultures, on the other hand, have dark grayishblack, featherless heads and shorter wings with white or grey wing tips. Unlike turkey vultures, which have an exceptional sense of smell, black vultures depend more on their keen eyesight to locate carrion. They are also known to follow turkey vultures to feeding sites.

Interestingly, their flight behavior also differs. Black vultures are often seen flying higher in the sky, relying on their excellent vision to find food, whereas turkey vultures tend to fly lower, scanning for food with their highly developed sense of smell—an ability rare among birds.

Vultures’ featherless heads are a fascinating adaptation that helps them stay clean while feeding on carrion, as it prevents bacteria and decaying matter from sticking to feathers. Additionally, their stomach acid is exceptionally acidic— about as strong as battery acid—which allows them to safely digest rotting meat that would make most animals sick. These unique traits make vultures perfectly suited for their role as nature’s cleanup crew in Florida’s ecosystems.


Far from being pests, vultures provide essential ecosystem services that benefit humans and wildlife alike. Their primary job? Cleaning up.

By consuming carrion (the remains of dead animals), vultures prevent carcasses from accumulating and spreading diseases. Without vultures, dead animals would rot for weeks, creating breeding grounds for harmful bacteria, flies, and other disease vectors.

In rural parts of Polk County, where wide open spaces and forests intersect with roadways, vultures are particularly beneficial. They remove roadkill, livestock remains, and other decaying organic matter that could otherwise attract dangerous predators or spread disease.

In addition, vultures contribute to nutrient cycling. By breaking down and consuming carcasses, they return vital nutrients to the soil, supporting plant life and the overall health of local ecosystems.


February in Central Florida is an active time for vultures, as the cooler, dry-season weather can increase the chances of roadkill. Turkey vultures use their keen sense of smell to detect decaying animals from over a mile away, while black vultures rely on sight and social behavior.

On cool mornings, vultures can be seen perched with wings spread. This behavior is partly to warm themselves and partly to sterilize their feathers with UV rays, killing bacteria picked up during feeding. Both species are highly social, often feeding and roosting in groups.

In southern Polk County, they are frequently seen with the crested caracara, a federally threatened species, on fence posts near pastures and along Highway 60.


Vultures, unfortunately, face a number of misconceptions. Here are some common myths and the truths behind them:


Truth: Vultures are actually disease preventers. Their stomach acid is so strong that it neutralizes dangerous pathogens like anthrax, botulism, and rabies. By consuming carrion, they help stop these diseases from spreading to other wildlife, livestock, and even humans.


Truth: While black vultures have been known to prey on weak or newborn livestock under certain conditions, this behavior is rare and often occurs when food sources are limited. Most vultures only feed on animals that are already dead, they are not considered predators.


Truth: Vultures are shy birds and rarely interact with humans. Their intimidating appearance and behaviors—such as hissing or vomiting as a defense mechanism—are purely for self-protection.

It’s also worth mentioning that vultures face real challenges themselves. Habitat loss, vehicle collisions, and poisoning from rodenticide-contaminated carcasses are significant local threats to these essential scavengers. Globally, vulture populations have been declining dramatically in some areas of Asia and Africa, making their conservation all the more important.


Vultures may not inspire affection the way colorful songbirds do, but they play an invaluable role in Florida’s ecosystems. Here are a few ways Polk County residents can support them:

1. GIVE THEM SPACE: Observe vultures from a respectful distance, especially if you encounter a roost or feeding group. Approaching too closely can disturb their natural behaviors, cause them to abandon a meal, or scatter into traffic.

2. AVOID HARMFUL PRACTICES: Avoid using rodenticides, when possible, by using them as a method of last resort. This may help vultures consume fewer contaminated carcasses and reduce the fatal consequences.

3. SUPPORT LOCAL CONSERVATION EFFORTS: You can help by talking positively about these amazing creatures! Help us spread the word about the importance of vultures in Polk County.


Vultures may not fit the traditional image of love and beauty, but they are vital to the health of our environment. Their unglamorous work ensures ecosystems remain clean, disease-free, and balanced—a true labor of love for the natural world.

For more information, please reach out to us at UF/ IFAS Extension Polk County or directly to me via email ( Looking for ‘learning on the go’ – check out the Naturally Florida podcast, available on all major podcast platforms.

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