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  • The Art of Storytelling

    I: Chekhov’s Cave Painting In early 2019, a team of scientists announced they had made an incredible discovery. After shimmying up a fig tree on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, in search of an entrance to a remote cave system, a member of their research group had stumbled upon a previously unknown prehistoric pictograph. By analyzing the calcite “popcorn” that had built up over millennia on the surface of the paint (a method of chronometric dating based on the slow decay of uranium into thorium, as well as some other scientific shit I don’t fully understand involving isotope levels), they were able to determine that the pictograph was nearly 44,000 years old. To put that into perspective, whoever this ancient artist was, who scrambled up that rock face with a coconut husk or horn or skull-bowl full of primitive paint and tagged that wall like some Fred Flintstone Banksy, did so forty thousand years before the Great Pyramid at Giza was built. Though not the earliest pictograph ever uncovered, the find at Sulawesi is certainly no slouch. When ranked strictly on a timeline, it slots comfortably into the top three. Age, however—as so many vibrant, older folks are fond of saying—is just a number; and the “when” of this particular painting, (impressive though it may be), is not what makes it so special. It is, of course, the “what” of the thing. On its face, the pictograph depicts a simple hunting scene. It is only upon closer inspection that it becomes clear the human characters have been rendered with exaggerated, animal-like features. Long snouts. Beaks. Horns and tails. Anthropologists refer to these types of artistic figures that appear in early human cave art all over the world, as “therianthropes.” A fancy word for Animal-People. Hybrids or shapeshifters. In the painting, the hunters wield spears and face off against a menagerie of beasts that—although recognizable as native fauna—have been portrayed as outsized, disproportionate monsters. Kaiju-sized dwarf buffalo. King Kong warthogs. Taken together—the therianthropic flourishes of the hunters, the gigantic creatures—these artistic liberties suggest the pictograph may in fact be an expression of prehistoric folklore. Something more akin to mythology, or a fantasy narrative, than to a simple act of rote record-keeping. Put simply, the Liang Bulu’Sipong 4 pictograph may very well be the oldest known example of recorded storytelling in human history. Right around now you might start to wonder where the hell I’m going with all of this (admittedly pretty cool) cave painting history blather. That’s fair. Perhaps you’ve even backtracked to check you haven’t missed something. Or skimmed ahead, searching out keywords to confirm you’re reading the right article. Wasn’t this supposed to be about a local filmmaker? Something about that grumpy-looking bearded guy at the local brewery making some kind of monster movie? Don’t worry, you’re in the right place. I’m just having a bit of fun with storytelling structure. Employing a common entertainment trope known as “the cold open,” in which a movie or TV show begins suddenly, often in an unexpected setting, with unfamiliar characters, in media res. Essentially, the audience is dropped into the middle of an ongoing drama, devoid of context, and expected to trust that the storyteller will make it all make sense later. Believe it or not, I do actually intend to try to draw a line across a vast chasm of time, and connect a moment in ancient human prehistory directly to my own personal pre-high school adolescence. Because forty-four thousand years after that story went up on that cave wall in Indonesia, in the Summer of 1993, my life changed forever. Now, whether or not I manage to connect those two moments in a remotely convincing (or at the very least, compelling) way without running this whole thing off a cliff into a sea of pretension is still very much up in the air. Fifty-fifty, I’d say. For one, because how any one reader responds to any piece of writing is an inherently subjective experience. Also, quite simply, I haven’t written it yet. So, you’re just going to have to trust me. To help in that regard, you should know that I am also utilizing another, quite famous, storytelling trope in this opening. More of a “rule,” really, and one I have always endeavored to follow. Known as “Chekhov’s Gun” it is a narrative principle, established by Russian playwright Anton Chekhov, which states that if, in the beginning of a story, a gun is mentioned, or seen hanging on a wall, by the third act, it had better be fired. Otherwise, it shouldn’t be there. The Sulawesi cave painting is Chekhov’s Gun. II: The Couch, and the Door. I saw a couch in front of a door. That’s how we got here. How all of this started. The script I wrote. The movie it became. On up to this very article, even. This is, of course, a wild oversimplification. The main thrust of the screenplay—concerning long term relationships and the inevitable resentment that festers when one person shoulders the lion’s share of the sacrifice necessary to maintain it—had been percolating in the dark parts of my head and heart for years before I ever had “the vision.” Similarly, my singling out those three specific milestones—screenplay, movie, this article—intentionally glosses over the countless, arguably more important bits that came between them. All the hard parts. The really tough stuff. It ignores the struggle. The best, most rewarding experiences. The blood in the veins. The meat on the bones. The shit that really sticks in your teeth. Moments that, were I writing a different article, would be milestones in and of themselves. It is, in fact, another example of the profound power of storytelling: Its ability to collapse time. To turn entire epochs into ellipses. Those bits of white space between the script, the movie, and this article, essentially add up more than a quarter of my entire life. But in the interest of brevity (something I’ve never been particularly interested in, and as a result, have rarely managed to achieve) I have no choice, for now, but to leave those moments in the ellipses… And get back to that damned couch in front of that door. To be clear, it wasn’t a dream. I didn’t sit bolt-upright in bed, break out in a cold sweat, and reach for a notebook on the nightstand. I never considered it a premonition or prophecy of any kind because, well, that would be crazy. And I only previously made reference to it as a capital-V vision with my tongue planted firmly in the meat of my cheek. It was just an image. A flash across my mind’s eye that lasted all of an instant. Come from nowhere. Apropos of nothing. Like a bug smacking a windshield. There wasn’t even anything particularly interesting about either the couch or the door outside of their unusual proximity to one another. There was no corpse on the couch. No family sat on it, all dressed up in period clothes, like Dust Bowl-era farmers in their Sunday best; only with black eyes and their mouths sewn shut. There was no enormous Saint Bernard sprawled across the cushions, either. Slobbery, slick red muzzle. Gnawing on a long bone… With a foot on the end of it. It was just a couch. It was every couch ever made. All distilled down into one. The couch from every classic sitcom. The one the title family all piles onto in the opening credits. All shouldered together, smiling and being silly. The door was equally unremarkable. There were no bullet holes. No misspelled Beatles song title scrawled across it in blood. It wasn’t at the end of a long hallway, locked from the outside, with a peephole in the middle, looking in. Nor did it open on a rickety staircase that disappeared into a basement… where something, somewhere down in the dark, was growling softly. It was just a door. Wood. Painted, off-white, maybe. Maybe not, I’m not sure. But there was one other curious detail that stood out about it at the time: It was a front door. The main artery through which family and friends, food, overdue homecomings, big hugs, and sometimes bad news and even bad guys, flow directly into the heart of a home. And that couch, the one shoved up against it–it should be noted–was on the inside of the house. All but wedged into a narrow foyer. Its plush, curving arms scraping the walls on either side. I was, of course, immediately aware this was an unusual place to find a couch, not least because it flew in the face of nearly every, unassailable tenet of Feng-shui. I simply had to know more. Who would do such a thing? Why would they do it? Certainly, it wasn’t to stop someone getting out. Moving the couch to get out the door would be annoying, no doubt; and it would surely slow any attempted escape. But it was, at most, a minor inconvenience. Perhaps then, I surmised, it had been dragged out into the mud room and shoved up against the door in an attempt to keep someone out. Maybe even something. That had to be it. It was the only thing that made sense: I was looking at a rudimentary, hastily constructed barricade. I still had no idea who had put it there, but I had just managed to hook my fingertips on the edge of the “why.” Which, of course, turned out to be merely the flaky skin on the outside of an onion; and my peeling it away had managed only to reveal layer after layer of countless new questions. Not least of which was: If the couch was in front of the door to keep something out… What the hell was trying to get in? I sat down at my computer, opened my screenwriting software, and wrote the following: INT. HOUSE - MORNING HANK wakes up on the couch. He is in his early thirties but is carrying a few more years under his eyes, and in the wiry beard on his neck and jowls. He swings his feet to the floor and yawns and cracks the knuckles of his toes on the hardwood. Two things suddenly make this otherwise pedestrian moment quite surreal: The first, is when he pulls an enormous double-barrel shotgun from the cushions behind him and lays it casually across his lap. The second, is when it becomes apparent that the couch... IS BARRICADED AGAINST THE FRONT DOOR. Hank yawns. He scratches his greasy head. He claws the crust from the corners of his eyes. Then he stands with the shotgun and stretches and groans and lumbers out of frame. For a moment we linger on that bizarre image: A couch, in front of a door. Boom! Mystery solved. I had figured it out! The person who had built the strange couch-barricade was… A guy named Hank, apparently. Who–not coincidentally (on the off-chance I managed to finish whatever this was and get it made)–happened to look quite a bit like me. Though I still had no idea who this man really was, where he was, what he did for a living, or what he was trying to keep out of his house, I had made a bit of progress. That opening scene amounted to almost one single page of a screenplay. And this, dear reader, is but a glimpse into the maddening, inefficient, nightmare that is–and has always been–my writing process. Try as I might, to plot out my stories with Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey, or make “mind-maps” or beat sheets, or lay three acts out on Syd Field’s Screenplay Paradigm, or in Dan Harmon’s Story Circle, I have never once managed to actually do it. Everything I have ever finished has been the result of a flash of inspiration, followed by weeks, months, and often years of blindly groping in the dark for breadcrumbs and lifelines. This article is no exception. It is part of the reason I resisted committing to it for so long. It is also why I have amassed no fewer than nine individual documents comprising an equal number of false starts over two months attempting to write it. And it is why I am still bushwhacking through word thickets on the eve of a deadline while my wife works my shift at the bar, to give me every last minute to maybe find my way out of the writing woods. Speaking of the woods… III: The Terrible Wilderness of the Middle. When I first saw the A.A. Stivender House, there was a moment—however brief—in which I thought I had actually manifested the damned thing. That I might literally have written it into existence. Willed the house into the world through sheer force of imagination. The power of a pen on paper. I could almost see it happening. Set back from the road as it was, hidden in a hug of oak trees behind curtains of Spanish moss, literally building itself, a board at a time. Not all at once, but over months and years. Each time I wrote a sentence referencing Hank’s home it would grumble awake in the woods and grow a little more. A little bit bigger. From the foundation to the wide wraparound porch, on up to the tall brick chimney jutting from the roof like a castle spire. Its crown choked by an enormous osprey nest. A beautiful green bloom of infection threatening to spread over the whole of the place that called to mind “The Lonely Death of Jordy Verill,” from George Romero’s Creepshow. In reality, of course, none of that happened. The enchanting, imposing, Italianate-style home that would become a major character in my third feature film was already standing a full hundred years before I was even born. Built in 1881, by a dentist from Alabama in what would become the city of Leesburg, Florida, (but at the time was a small citrus-industry outpost known as Eldorado,) it was absolutely perfect. So perfect, in fact, it had already been featured in a major motion picture years earlier. Away We Go was a sweet, rambling dramedy starring Maya Rudolph and John Krasinski, as a couple on the verge of parenthood who travel the country visiting friends and family, looking for the perfect place to put down roots. In the end, they decide on the childhood home of Rudolph’s character. Enter, the A.A. Stivender House. This connection was no coincidence of course. The house had been suggested to us by our friend, Juan Ortiz, who is a talented filmmaker in his own right. (Seriously, if you’re curious what I look like in a knit panda mask eating a severed thumb, check out his film Fingers). Anyway, years earlier, Juan had been hired to sit at the Stivender property to ensure no one vandalized the Away We Go set overnight. During these security details, he would often call Christian Stella, my co-director and lifelong filmmaking partner, just to have someone to talk to in order to distract him from the spooky sounds and pitch-black darkness of the location. It is no wonder he insisted we consider the place for our monster movie. Which, by the way, we were finally, officially, actually making. And it had only been six years since I first saw that couch in front of that door. In that time the script had gone through countless rewrites. Some, a product of my own restless tinkering; but a fair amount that were insisted upon by a rogue’s gallery of producers (with mostly good intentions) who mostly, eventually, just quietly vanished. My personal life had changed dramatically in that time, and I had begun to question, if we ever managed to get the movie made, whether I would still be able to relate to the themes and emotions that had inspired me to write it in the first place. By the last of those endless drafts, one character had been cut down to nearly nothing, two characters had been collapsed into one, (come to think of it, two monsters had been collapsed into one) and nearly thirty pages had been excised completely. Somehow though, I mostly still recognized it as the story I originally wrote. The biggest change to the script however, wouldn’t be implemented until that final rewrite. During a conference call with investors and producers, I got the sense that interest might be flagging a little when the subject of where we envisioned shooting the film was raised. From the very first draft, I had always imagined the story taking place in New England. I was living in Connecticut when the story was written, and we had shot our previous two features in the upstate town of Kent, near the border of southwestern Massachusetts. At that time, there had been quite a few recent indie, artsy, horror movies set in the moody, foggy forests and meadows of old-world America, and for some reason, without running it by my partners, I blurted out something along the lines of: “I’ve always wanted to make a movie in the middle of Florida. In the part of Florida most people don’t see. The part that feels like the south. No beaches or theme parks. I’m talking about sweet tea and Spanish moss. Snakes and gators and swamps and old orange groves and good old boys in big trucks.” A month later, we were knocking on doors in Leesburg, trying to find the owner of the house I thought I might have written into the world. IV: Making a Monster Much ink (and even more audio) has been spilt on the making of After Midnight. And why not? Filming a movie is the fun part. Running around town scouring flea markets and thrift stores and filling a box truck with enough furniture and knick knacks and bric-a-brac to turn a hundred year old home with no electricity or running water into something that looked warm and loved and lived-in. Catching a half dozen beautiful yellow rat snakes that seemed to be furiously mating and occasionally dropping from the rafters onto the porch. Working with some of my favorite creative people in the world. Trying not to crack up laughing next to Henry Zebrowski, one of the funniest comedians alive, every single time he was on camera; and at one point having to be gently told by producers during the editing process: “You know you can’t leave every single one of his ad-libs in the final movie, right?” Getting permission to sing, on screen, the entirety of a song that was a touchstone anthem of the early nineties. And of course, having the unbelievable opportunity to have one of my special effects heroes make a full-body, practical monster suit inspired by words I wrote, and then getting to actually physically fight that monster. It was a dream. Every single day. Of which I believe there were exactly eighteen. That’s it. Eighteen days. Less than three weeks. Then it was off to a dark room to edit and color correct and sound design and sound mix and add temp score and argue and wait for the real score and phone calls and phone calls and notes and notes and notes and notes and flying to Los Angeles to make monster roars and snarls and growls and oh by the way, I wasn’t working while all this was happening so pretty soon it was back to the day job! Which brings me to another reason I politely declined the offer to write this piece, and screen our film, in the past: I don’t particularly like telling people I’m a filmmaker. More often than not, I would rather most people not know I make movies. I am well aware what a difficult circle that is to square, given the three thousand bloviating words I’ve dedicated to talking about precisely that subject up to this point. And in the spirit of transparency—to peel back the curtain a bit—this particular section has proven such a difficult and delicate one to write, I have in fact skipped it, written the ending, and come back to it now to tackle it last. There is just simply no easy way to say you would rather the public at large be unaware of your ambitions, without sounding either ashamed of said ambitions, or otherwise ungrateful of the job that keeps your lights on and supports your pursuit of those goals. And yet I am neither ashamed nor ungrateful of either. On the contrary, were my moviemaking endeavors ever considered to be even the faintest of freckles on the vast body of cinematic history (somewhere on the back of the thigh probably) it would be one of the proudest achievements of my life. Similarly—though it may be harder to believe—I consider my day job slinging beers at Grove Roots Brewing, to be one of the most rewarding “obligations” I’ve ever had the privilege of lucking into. Had I not weaseled my way into such a warm, supportive place, there is little to no chance my wife and I would still be in this town, let alone the state. It may be a cliche to say your coworkers are your family; but if they all end up members of your wedding party, and their children are your flower girl and ring-bearer, or when they’ve given you six months off to make a movie, and so many customers ask after you that they name a beer “Where’s Jeremy?”, the sentiment rings a bit more true. Nevertheless, regardless how I feel about my involvement in either my day job or my dream job, they are rarely symbiotic. Consider the following, fairly common scenarios: INT. BREWERY - NIGHT Jeremy is behind the bar. A customer approaches. JEREMY How we doin today? CUSTOMER Good, good. JEREMY Can I help you find something? CUSTOMER Don,t you make movies? JEREMY Uhh, well... Kinda, yeah- CUSTOMER Cuz I make videos too. I got this new drone, and I,m trying to make a bunch of promo stuff... Jeremy sighs. DISSOLVE TO: INT. BREWERY - AFTERNOON Jeremy hunches over the sinks behind the bar, washing dishes. A customer approaches. CUSTOMER Hey you make movies right? JEREMY I’ve made a couple, yeah. CUSTOMER What are they called? JEREMY Well there's a few, but the ones I wrote and directed myself- CUSTOMER Cuz I got one of those Fire Sticks, so I can watch pretty much any movie for free. Jeremy sighs. INT. BREWERY - NIGHT CUSTOMER I heard you make movies. JEREMY On occasion. CUSTOMER You gotta cast me in the next one. INT. BREWERY - EVENING CUSTOMER Are you the guy that makes the movies? JEREMY Uhh, I mean. Probably, yeah. CUSTOMER Well there,s no paper towels in the men,s room. Obviously, these interactions are the exception, not the rule. And for the most part the people I have met in this town have been supportive and generous, to an almost sickening degree. In fact, when it was announced After Midnight would have its international premiere at a festival in Switzerland, the regulars at the brewery were the ones who bought nearly a thousand dollars worth of t-shirts I’d designed to try and raise money to make the trip. Most of them never even picked up the shirts. They just wanted to help. The reality is, I have gone bowling with [name redacted] and competed in a Moon Pie eating competition with [name redacted]. I have snuck out of a live performance in Montreal to get burgers with [name redacted] and done a live, drunken reading of the Road House screenplay for charity with [name redacted]. I have stood for an hour, signing autographs in a foreign country after a sold-out screening of my film, and been all over the world and won countless audience and acting awards. I did a People magazine photo shoot at the Tribeca Film Festival where my last movie had its world premiere, and if all of that sounds a bit pompous that’s because it is supposed to. Because I often find it very difficult to explain these things to people when they think it is “cute” that I make “videos.” And I rarely feel like a filmmaker, when I’m sweeping up glass or cleaning up spills. So, why have I agreed to write this at all? Well, first and foremost, because twenty-five years ago, in my hometown of Kissimmee, Florida, someone thought it worthy to organize a film festival. Because of that person, that event, and that communal space, my friends and I felt inspired to make our first feature film. We also met numerous other aspiring filmmakers we never would have known were making the same kinds of silly movies in the same stupid town. One of those people, twenty years later, would ask me to put on a panda mask and eat a man’s thumb, and later lead us to that hundred-year-old house I might have manifested. So if writing this article, or screening our film, somehow facilitates an interaction between a few shy kids who feel like they’re alone in wanting to make weird movies in this big, weird, state, well, then every unsolicited audition I’m forced to endure, or drone reel video I’m forced to watch on someone’s phone while I’m working will be worth it. Now, about that cave painting… V: Chekhov’s Cave Painting 2: The Paintening. I was twelve years old in the summer of 1993; so the particulars of the night itself escape me. But considering it was the middle of June in the middle of Florida, it’s probably safe to assume it was pretty damn sticky outside. And for my money, humanity has yet to dream up a more perfect sanctuary from the heat than the cool, dark of a movie theater. Which is where I found myself that evening. I have to assume some of the more film-savvy readers, by this point, have long figured out what it was I saw that night, so I won’t beat around the bush any longer… It was Jurassic Park. Steven Spielberg’s classic sci-fi adventure may seem like little more than big budget, high-brow Hollywood camp to some people; but I imagine those people weren’t twelve when they first saw it. I was obsessed with dinosaurs as a child. My grandmother is fond of recounting being told by my first-grade teacher that I corrected her spelling of Diplodocus. And here they were, larger than life, flesh and blood, as real as anything I’d ever seen. Jurassic Park is not my favorite film of all time, but it will always have a piece of my heart, and it changed the trajectory of my life because I became so infatuated with the film (mind you, this was before the internet) that I gobbled up every bit of media I could find about it in an effort to stay connected to the feeling I had from watching it. Magazines. Newspapers. TV news shows like 60 Minutes and late night talk show interviews with the cast. As a result, I became, for the first time, keenly aware of the making of a movie, irrespective of the experience of simply seeing it. I was twelve years old in the summer of 1993; so the particulars of the night itself escape me. But considering it was the middle of June in the middle of Florida, it’s probably safe to assume it was pretty damn sticky outside. And for my money, humanity has yet to dream up a more perfect sanctuary from the heat than the cool, dark of a movie theater. Which is where I found myself that evening. I have to assume some of the more film-savvy readers, by this point, have long figured out what it was I saw that night, so I won’t beat around the bush any longer… It was Jurassic Park. Steven Spielberg’s classic sci-fi adventure may seem like little more than big budget, high-brow Hollywood camp to some people; but I imagine those people weren’t twelve when they first saw it. I was obsessed with dinosaurs as a child. My grandmother is fond of recounting being told by my first-grade teacher that I corrected her spelling of Diplodocus. And here they were, larger than life, flesh and blood, as real as anything I’d ever seen. Jurassic Park is not my favorite film of all time, but it will always have a piece of my heart, and it changed the trajectory of my life because I became so infatuated with the film (mind you, this was before the internet) that I gobbled up every bit of media I could find about it in an effort to stay connected to the feeling I had from watching it. Magazines. Newspapers. TV news shows like 60 Minutes and late night talk show interviews with the cast. As a result, I became, for the first time, keenly aware of the making of a movie, irrespective of the experience of simply seeing it. PLEASE JOIN US FOR A PRIVATE SCREENING OF  AFTER MIDNIGHT WHILE WE RAISE FUNDS FOR THE HISTORIC RITZ THEATRE. Q & A WITH DIRECTORS JEREMY GARDNER AND CHRISTIAN STELLA TO FOLLOW. OCTOBER 26, 7 PM VERY LIMITED SEATING, PLEASE RESERVE YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE. CENTRALFLORIDATIX.COM

  • Bartow Ford Presents Lee Brice

    Bartow Ford has been giving away a truck during the fall for as long as Bartow Ford President Benny Robles Jr. can remember. He noticed that when it came time for the giveaway, only a few finalists and family members would show up. “I always felt like, especially back in the day, when you hear about a dealership giving away a vehicle, you kind of write it off as a hoax or a gimmick to get people in the door. And we really are giving away an F150,” he said. “I wanted to come up with an idea where a lot of people would be there from the community, but I wanted it to be fun for the community. There’s no radio spot or TV commercial I can do that’s going to make someone buy a vehicle that day, but if I can have a wonderful time with the community and they have a wonderful time at the dealership, and in the meantime, we raise a lot of money for local charities – that should stay pretty top of mind,” Robles said. “We feel like the community is really what makes Bartow Ford special, whether it’s the employees that we have or the customers that we have – we feel like they’re part of our family. To be able to get together, have a great time, listen to some country music, and give away an F150 sounded like a good idea.” Last year, the dealership launched Bartow Ford’s Concert on the Lot Series. They’re revving up again for a premier county music concert featuring multi-platinum GRAMMY nominee and CMA and ACM award winner Lee Brice. Joining Brice on the Bartow Ford stage is good friend and country music vocal powerhouse Randy Houser. “We are so excited to bring this entertainment experience to Polk County at a ticket price that makes it affordable for more people in our community,” Robles said. “We promise it will be a night to remember.” Bartow Ford is partnering with 97 Country and The Dallas Bull for the November 11 event, which will be held at the dealership. Doors will open at 5 pm, and music begins at 6:30 pm. A variety of food and beverage vendors will be on hand. In addition to the night’s entertainment, one lucky concert attendee will win a Ford F150. Contest details will be available on as the event gets closer. Bartow Ford is committed to charitable work with organizations like the Achievement Academy and VISTE, and this event will be no different. Tickets, which can be purchased at, are $31. A portion of the proceeds will go to the Humane Society of Polk County and the Wounded Warrior Project. According to, “The WWP mission is to honor and empower Wounded Warriors who incurred a physical or mental injury, illnesses, or wound, co-incident to [their] military service on or after September 11, 2001.” As the concert falls on Veteran’s Day, Robles said, “I also want to take care of the veterans because we appreciate all the sacrifices they’ve made.” Robles said he looks forward to interacting with the community at the event. “I feel like that’s what makes it special, that connection.” LEE BRICE When Lee Brice isn’t selling out arenas, writing and recording songs, or building new brands like American Born whiskey, you’ll find the family man with his wife Sara, two young boys, and baby daughter. Meanwhile, with more than 14 million in RIAA-certified sales and streams, and nearing three billion spins on Pandora, Brice continues to enjoy massive success at country radio, digital streaming services, and on the road. Lee is also a GRAMMY nominee, a CMA nominee, and a double ACM award winner, and he’s taken six radio singles to Number One: “A Woman Like You,” “Hard To Love,” “I Drive Your Truck,” “I Don’t Dance,” “Drinking Class,” and “Rumor.” Garth Brooks, Jason Aldean, Kenny Chesney, and others have recorded his songs, and he’s performed on numerous TV shows, including NBC’s Today, ABC’s The Bachelor, NBC’s The Voice and FOX’s Miss USA 2018. Lee’s “Rumor” is the current single from his fourth studio album, Lee Brice, released November 3, 2017, on Curb Records. The RIAA Certified Platinum single is Lee’s sixth number-one hit, appearing in the top spot on the Billboard, Mediabase Country Radio, and SiriusXM’s “The Highway” Top 30 charts. It has also surpassed 280 million on-demand audio & video streams in the US, with over 300 million worldwide. For more information, go to RANDY HOUSER With an inimitable voice, The New York Times describes as “wholly different, thicker and more throbbing, a caldron bubbling over,” Randy Houser racked up three consecutive No. 1 hits and more than four million in singles sales to date with his Stoney Creek Records album How Country Feels. He topped the charts with the title track, “Runnin’ Outta Moonlight” and “Goodnight Kiss” (also his first No. 1 as a songwriter) and earned critical acclaim for his powerful delivery of the Top 5 smash and CMA Song of the Year-nominated “Like A Cowboy.” Houser added a fourth No. 1 to his catalog with “We Went” from his 2016 album, Fired Up. Houser’s sixth studio album, Note To Self, is available now via Magnolia Music Group and features ten tracks, all co-written by the Mississippi native. Currently in the top 30 and climbing at Country radio, lead single and title track “Note To Self” marked his “powerful return” following 2019’s critically-acclaimed album Magnolia, with MusicRow boasting the Mississippi-native, remains one of country music’s very finest vocalists.” With multiple sold-out shows in 2022, including an at-capacity stop at Nashville’s Ryman Auditorium, Houser wrapped his coheadlining tour with longtime friend Jamey Johnson and is currently on the road with Cody Johnson. Along with preparing new music and a relentless touring schedule, Houser landed onscreen roles in Martin Scorsese’s upcoming film Killers of the Flower Moon starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, and more, as well as the inspiring The Hill starring Dennis Quaid. For more information, go to

  • Cravin’ Haven

    If you’re craving something, chances are it’s on the menu at Cravin’ Haven. This rotating menu food truck boasts “food with no borders” and an inviting patio dining space. What started as ‘just something to do’ became the Best Food Truck in Winter Haven in only a year. Winter Haven resident Phillip Brooks worked in construction for 25 years. A year and a half post-retirement, Brooks was getting restless. Ex-wife Mandy Brooks encouraged Phillip that if he was going back to work, it should be something he wanted to do. He decided to open a food truck. “I’ve done a little competitive cooking,” Brooks said. “I’ve just always loved to do it. I didn’t realize it was such a big job until we got this place here.” After a year of preparation, Cravin’ Haven opened off Dundee Road on September 23, 2022. Just a few days later, Hurricane Ian barreled through the state. To say it was a rough opening would be an understatement. But, a year later, Cravin’ Haven has built a loyal following and was voted Best Food Truck in the 2023 Best of Haven readers’ choice awards. THE FOOD “I knew that I wanted to be able to serve what I want to,” Brooks said. “I always knew I’d be serving some sort of barbecue.” But Cravin’ Haven isn’t a barbecue joint by any means. This Dundee Road dining destination offers “food with no borders.” Patrons might get a barbecue brisket sandwich one day and a banh mi another. Brooks has chosen not to limit his offerings to one culinary genre. Their rotating menu includes fan favorites like brisket, pork, or ahi tuna tacos, as well as their famous smash burger. “The most fun part is I just love cooking and coming up with new menus,” Brooks said. Cravin’ Haven’s tacos come served in upright stands, so they don’t slide all over the place – an appreciated touch. Though each delicious in its own right, the ahi tuna tacos stole the show. Two tacos are filled with succulent seared ahi tuna and topped with micro greens, avocado, fresco cheese, sprinkled with sesame seeds, and finished with house wasabi lime aioli. Second only to the tuna tacos was the gourmet smash burger made with a homemade ¼ pound burger piled with American cheese, lettuce, tomato, pickles, and onion, served with fries and coleslaw. Their fresh, all-natural jumbo chicken wings are also climbing the ranks for a top spot on the menu, available in garlic parmesan, barbecue, or Buffalo (mild, medium, or hot). Don’t skip out on the authentic Cuban sandwich pressed with house-smoked pork, ham, pickles, Swiss cheese, and mustard on Cuban bread. Though one might be tempted to take their food and escape to the air conditioning from the oppressive Florida heat, Cravin’ Haven’s screened-in patio is a shaded spot to lounge for lunchtime. A breeze wafts teasing aromas from the food truck into a screened-in patio with ample seating and string lights. THE TEAM “When I opened it, I opened it for me, so I’d have something to do. I never thought for a second that it would take off like this,” Brooks said. Some of his biggest supporters have been ex-wife and friend Mandy Brooks and her mother, Brenda Mitchell. Brooks said of Mandy, “She’s been a massive help from day one.” Brooks now has four employees and a traveling food trailer in addition to the stationary food truck. Daughter Katie is on the team, along with prep cook Renee, and Ryan, who works in the traveling trailer. “The biggest surprise is how we’ve been accepted,” Brooks said. “It grew really fast around me.” Katie, who formerly worked in a food truck at LEGOLAND, discussed the best part about working at Cravin’ Haven. “Just working with family is good and getting to know all our customers,” she said. She noted the food truck’s success: “It’s amazing. […] I’m so honored.” A year in, Brooks has his sights on a brick-and-mortar with no set plans just yet. “I think that’s anyone’s dream to see their food truck go to a brick and mortar. Just waiting on that one investor,” he said. “I like this, what I’m doing. But a brick-and-mortar would be the payoff. It would mean I made it.” Photography by Amy Sexson Cravin’ Haven 3223 Dundee Rd., Winter Haven 863-604-9423 FB: Cravin’ Haven IG @cravinhavenfl

  • The Cultivated Pig

    Kevin Aydelott and Jimmy Fox, from different West Texas towns, met at church in 1998. They’ve been best friends ever since. Twenty-five years later, the pair established The Cultivated Pig, a refined live-fire mobile restaurant specializing in Texas-inspired smoked meats. Years after they met, Kevin moved to Dallas-Fort Worth, and started culinary school, while Jimmy moved to Jacksonville as a software programmer. He would be promoted to IT Director at his company while Kevin climbed the ranks as a chef at the Four Seasons Resort in Dallas. Six years later, Chef Kevin was moved to the new Four Seasons at Disney, and Jimmy went on to start another tech company. Kevin started doing barbecue competitions on the side and asked Jimmy to help. “We had a tiny little smoker,” Jimmy said, laughing. Where they grew up, according to Jimmy, “Texas barbecue is basically only brisket. It’s about cooking the meat, so the meat tastes really beefy. It should taste beefier than a really good steak. […] We realized that’s not the theme in competition circuits. They have a vision, and it’s whoever can get closest to that vision, not necessarily what tastes the best.” They did a few competitions before realizing that wasn’t their arena. According to the pair, “Being native Texans, we were used to having the meat stand-alone by itself and not adding any sugary sauces to it to achieve a certain flavor profile.” A few years later, the pandemic descended. “Covid kind of put a lot of things into perspective for me,” said Kevin. “I wanted to do my own thing for a while.” He was furloughed for nine months during the pandemic. “I built up the courage to go out on my own.” He, of course, asked his best bud, Jimmy, to join him on his barbecue journey. Looking to turn their barbecue competition team into a bona fide business, the two friends sought out a commissary kitchen. “We came to Catapult, met [Kitchen Director] Maggie [Leach], and saw the facilities, and I was like, ‘There’s nobody better than this,’” said Kevin. “Lakeland has been a really good, fostering area for small businesses,” Jimmy added. The Cultivated Pig has been in business as a live-fire mobile restaurant for over a year and it has become both of their “double full-time” jobs. Over that year, they’ve built a Cultivated Pig cult following and battled everything from unpredictable thunderstorms to sweltering heat. (Traveling with a 16-foot smoker, the ambient temperature can get up to 140 degrees during the summer.) THE FOOD The Cultivated Pig boasts Texas-inspired fare. Jimmy and Kevin have their own dry rub to season the meat and don’t use sugary sauces. Though they offer sauce for customers to use at their discretion, “We’ve dubbed our barbeque sauce, ‘After-THOT (those hogs over there) Sauce,’” said Jimmy. “I think what sets us apart is where most people use apple cider vinegar to spray with; we use wine,” said Kevin. They use Lakeridge Winery’s Southern Red. The two friends smoke everything from brisket and pulled pork to spareribs, pork belly, and whole turkeys. “We don’t take any shortcuts,” Kevin said. “If it takes 15 hours to cook, it takes 15 hours to cook.” One of their most popular dishes doesn’t have any meat in it. This vegan dish consists of Japanese eggplant cooked directly on the coals, served on a bed of garlic hummus, mint, extra virgin olive oil, and tajin. “We sell that vegan option to more meat eaters than we do vegans,” said Jimmy. The Cultivated Pig recently won a grant from Catapult for a dry-ager. They plan to start making biltong, a South African dried, cured meat, using various types of meat like beef, lamb, and ostrich. If all this talk of succulent barbecue has you salivating, check out the Cultivated Pig menu for Swantoberfest (they’ll be there on October 13 from 3-10 pm): house-made smoked pastrami, duck fat-braised red cabbage, beer-braised brats, TCP smoked sausage hot dogs on a pretzel bun with house-made sauerkraut, regular, spicy, and whole grain mustards, baked potato salad, and a pulled pork sandwich with mustard sauce and sauerkraut on a pretzel bun. I see beer and brats in my future. THE FUTURE The pair recently met the owners of Whiskey Bent BBQ Supply, whom they hope to partner with for manufacturing. “We’re trying to keep things honest-to-God, Lakeland-local,” Jimmy said.  “We would prefer to get a lot of our raw ingredients from local farmers and ranchers, not just pay lip service to it.” “We call this phase being ‘on tour,’” Jimmy said. Their aim is to build exposure before entering a brick and mortar. “There are different things we want to do, not just be a restaurant,” said Kevin. They hope to be a dining destination similar to Franklin Barbecue in Austin, Texas, where people from across the country come to eat. “We don’t want to be pigeonholed into ‘barbecue.’ Because when people think ‘barbecue,’ they think sugary sauces, cheap stuff. But barbecue is a style of cooking,” said Kevin. “We want to offer a different experience.” The Cultivated Pig could be a live fire smokehouse before we know it. Fingers crossed! Photography by Amy Sexson The Cultivated Pig FB: The Cultivated Pig IG @thecultivatedpig

  • Haven Best of 2023 - Arts + Entertainment

    BEST PARK BOK TOWER GARDENS 1151 Tower Blvd, Lake Wales (863) 676-1408 FB: Bok Tower Gardens IG @boktowergardens Twenty-three million visitors have meandered the stunning garden paths to Bok Tower since it opened in 1929. From the 1930s Mediterranean-style Pinewood Estate to the Visitor Center & Exhibit Hall, there’s plenty to take in at the Gardens. Those who adventure to Bok Tower Gardens can enjoy photography, birdwatching, geocaching, and hiking. Guests can trek the 1.5- mile Preserve Trail or 3/4-mile Pine Ridge Nature Trail and take the kids to the Hammock Hollow Children’s Garden. After taking in the flora and fauna and the carillon concert, which rings out throughout the Gardens each day at 1 and 3 p.m. with short selections played on the hour and half hour, conclude your visit with a tasty bite at the onsite restaurant, Blue Palmetto Cafe. Don’t forget to pick up a memento of your trip at The Shop at Bok or The Plant Shop. 2nd: Bonnet Springs Park 3rd: Central Park, Downtown Winter Haven BEST DATE NIGHT GROVE ROOTS BREWING CO. 302 3rd St SW, Winter Haven (863) 291-0700 FB @groverootsbrewing IG @groverootsbrewing It would be hard to think of a better date night than the laid-back atmosphere at Grove Roots, with the Best Beer and Best Live Music. There’s plenty to do whether it’s your first date or your twentieth. The brewery offers a selection of local craft beers, unique food trucks, live music, and plenty of seating inside and outside to be in the heart of it all or tucked away by yourselves. They offer free trivia every Tuesday, and fun events throughout the year. Check their socials for the daily food truck. 2nd: (tie) Obscure Wine Company 2nd: (tie) Laugh Out Lounge 3rd: Nutwood BEST GOLF COURSE CYPRESSWOOD GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB 1099 Clubhouse Rd, Winter Haven (863) 324-6174 FB @cypresswoodcc IG @cypresswoodgolfcourse Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants? In case he got a hole-in-one. Tee-hee. Another win FORE! Cypresswood Golf & Country Club! This repeat Best Of Haven winner is an 18-hole championship golf course designed by award-winning designer Ron Garl. In addition to the course, Cypresswood has a putting green, chipping green, and driving range and is open to the public yearround from sunrise to sunset. After a day on the course, grab lunch at Cypresswood Pub and make a trip to the pro shop. 2nd: The Country Club of Winter Haven 3rd: Willowbrook Golf Course BEST DANCE STUDIO THE WRIGHT STEP SCHOOL OF DANCE 316 Ave C SW, Winter Haven (863) 294-5300 FB: The Wright Step School of Dance IG @thewrightstepschoolofdance Our readers think The Wright Step School of Dance is the best. And they’ve got a pointe! With three studios spanning 5000 square feet, specialized wood flooring, and instructors trained in all dance styles, you know this Winter Haven dance studio is doing it Wright! The Wright Step School of Dance is a multi-genre dance studio opened in 2001 by Amy and Kevin Wright. “Faculty are industry professionals with a heart for sharing their love of our art!” The Wright Step Xtreme Team, founded in 2004, comprises about 70 dancers aged 5-18. In addition to their community outreach, the Xtreme Team has won numerous “Entertainment” awards, “Judges Choice” awards, and national overall placements. 2nd: Barbara’s Centre’ For Dance 3rd: The Ballet Conservatory BEST LIVE MUSIC VENUE GROVE ROOTS BREWING CO. 302 3rd St SW, Winter Haven (863) 291-0700 FB @groverootsbrewing IG @groverootsbrewing Beers. Bands. Big-time Best Of Haven winners. This Winter Haven hangout is the place to enjoy a variety of locally brewed craft beers while listening to local talent. Grove Roots guests can imbibe the Best Polk County Beer (Tropical Dilemma) and hear live music ranging from solo acts to full bands every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night, and Sunday afternoon. Check their online calendar to see who’s playing this week! Pint-loving patrons can expect unique food trucks and ample places to hang out inside and out. 2nd: Tanners Lakeside Restaurant & Bar 3rd: Jessie’s Lounge BEST MUSEUM POLK MUSEUM OF ART AT FLORIDA SOUTHERN COLLEGE 800 E Palmetto St, Lakeland (863) 688-7743 FB: Polk Museum of Art IG @polkmuseumofart Some 140,000 visitors come to the Polk Museum of Art annually. Admission to the Museum is free, and exhibits typically change every few months. PMA patrons can enjoy their diverse collection of more than 2,800 objects with a focus on collecting and exhibiting contemporary art, Asian art, Pre-Columbian art, African art, and decorative art. Some exhibitions are from their collection, but many are from local, nationally, and internationally known artists such as Pablo Picasso, Albert Paley, Miriam Schapiro, Donald Sultan, James Rosenquist, Andy Warhol, and many others. In 2022, the Museum announced plans for a $6 million expansion and renovation project slated for completion in the summer of 2024. 2nd: Florida Children’s Museum 3rd: Museum of Winter Haven History BEST MURAL HAVEN BY GILLIAN FAZIO 343 Ave. C SW, Winter Haven FB: Gillian Fazio Art IG @gfazioart The Haven mural located on the back wall of the Alan L. Ulch building depicts the word “HAVEN” in crisp white letters with a butterfly atop the “A.” It is backdropped by mirror-still water dotted with lily pads and pink and white water lilies. In an interview with WFTS Tampa Bay, artist Gillian Fazio said, “I just wanted to make something that makes everybody feel happy and uplifted whenever they see the wall. So all my work tends to have bright colors, fun patterns, and some aspect of nature.” The mural is dedicated, “In loving memory of Mary Lou Ulch.” 2nd: Lady on the Wall by Kenneth Treister and William Larence 3rd: (tie) Falling Man by Paul O’Neill 3rd: (tie) Jensen’s Guitar BEST VISUAL ARTIST GILLIAN FAZIO 343 Ave. C SW, Winter Haven FB: Gillian Fazio Art IG @gfazioart Gillian Fazio is no stranger to the Best Of Haven winners list. Her Haven mural took first place again this year for Best Mural, and she’s won Best Visual Artist multiple years in a row. Her talent can be seen in colorful, nature-inspired pieces around Polk County, like in the Create mural at Catapult in Lakeland or the oranges and butterflies in Slice of Happiness in Lake Wales. A Lakeland native, Fazio graduated Magna Cum Laude with a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts from the University of Florida in 2017. Fazio has painted over 20 murals across Central Florida from Tampa to Anna Maria Island and describes herself as a “new age flora and fauna artist.” 2nd: William Larence 3rd: Paul O’Neill BEST BAND 99 IN THE SHADE FB: 99 in the Shade Best Of Haven voters are rocking out to this high-energy variety and dance band. In addition to gigs at clubs, weddings, corporate, and private events, you can catch this rockin’ quartet regularly at Somewhere Sports Bar & Grill and Tanners Lakeside. Since 2015, 99 in the Shade has been getting crowds on their feet with classic to current music – everything from Journey to Bruno Mars! 2nd: B.Haven 3rd: Daniel Pepin BEST DRAG QUEEN TRISHELLE MICHAELS FB: Trishelle Michaels IG @trishellemichaels Polk County drag performer Trishelle Michaels is dynamite on stage with killer costumes and fun lip-syncing solos. “When I’m on the mic, I try to make people laugh. I think that’s one of my attributes, and what draws people into me is my personality,” said Michaels. She regularly performs across the county. In her own words, “Trishelle is a role model. Trishelle is a promoter. Trishelle is someone that you could come and talk to. [...]” If you’re looking for plenty of laughs and to be awed by a top-rate performer – you’ve got to see Trishelle! 2nd: Momma Ashley Rose BEST ANNUAL COMMUNITY EVENT CAROLS IN THE PARK Kick off the holiday season with community and caroling! Winter Haven is dazzled by local choral groups during the annual Carols in the Park. Main Street Winter Haven presents this downtown holiday event, bringing artisans and specialty food vendors to Central Park for over 30 years. There are activities for children of all ages, pictures with Santa Claus, live music and plenty of the holiday spirit! 2nd: Bark in the Park 3rd: Bandit Market BEST LOCAL MAKER THE PIN + NEEDLE FB @thepinandneedle IG @ Based in Winter Haven, Pin + Needle’s Lyndsey Venrick makes funny and subversive cross stitch and embroidery. Some of our favorites from her shop are cross-stitch minis. These cute framed minis have funny phrases with an adorable cross stitch flower or rainbow to soften them up. Grab your friends a “bitch please,” “Treat yo self,” or “mind your business,” framed mini cross stitch today! Or, order a cross stitch kit from Pin + Needle to create for yourself. Send Lyndsey a message, and she can get a pet or family portrait started for a future birthday or housewarming gift. “Our motto is ‘We don’t ask questions, and we don’t judge,’” so don’t be afraid to really ask for what you want! 2nd: Reservations4five Crafts 3rd: Rosemary’s Garden Florals BEST HIDDEN GEM CIRCLE B BAR RESERVE 4399 Winter Lake Rd, Lakeland (863) 534-7377 Circle B Bar Reserve is one of the county’s finest hidden gems. It can be a quiet respite away from it all and an adventure full of nature and wildlife. Located on the northwest shore of Lake Hancock, Circle B is a former cattle ranch consisting of several distinct ecosystems across its 1,267 acres. This nature oasis offers activities like hiking, photography, and painting and has picnic shelters, restrooms, and paved parking with handicapped-accessible and grassy areas. According to the Polk County Environmental Lands Program, “You’re almost guaranteed to see alligators in Lake Hancock, often considered the headwaters of the Peace River, which flows more than 100 miles from Polk County southwest to the Gulf of Mexico.” 2nd: Artcade 3rd: Friends of the Winter Haven Public Library Bookstore

  • LKLD Best of 2023 - Pro Services

    BEST FLORIST BLOOM SHAKALAKA 640 E Main St, Lakeland (Inside The Joinery) (863) 417-3007 FB: @bloom.shakalaka1 IG @bloom.shakalaka Have you stopped to smell the roses lately? Bloom Shakalaka is a funky fresh flower shop and gift boutique started by Laura Helm. They offer flower wraps and arrangements, wearables, full-service event florals, subscriptions, and a pick-your-stems flower bar. Need some peonies in a pinch? They offer next-day delivery in the Lakeland area! “At Bloom Shakalaka, we want to be known as the funky, fresh flower shop whose mission is to spread joy. We believe that every single bloom is a miracle of both strength and hope - and we love getting to offer that to others.” 2nd: Flower Cart Florist 3rd: Golden Wild Florals BEST WEDDING VENUE HAUS 820 820 N Massachusetts Ave, Lakeland (888) 428-7820 FB: Haus 820 IG @haus820 This renovated historic warehouse is a blank canvas for clients to make their own. It’s a wedding spot for the cool kids. Haus 820 is an industrial chic event venue built in 1924 as an A&P grocery store, then a furniture warehouse, before it was brought back to its roots and restored, including original wall-to-wall white brick, 17-foot exposed rafters, and charcoal-stained and sealed cement floors. In addition to the main spacious area, Haus 820 features a permanent 16-foot bar, catering finishing kitchen, restrooms, and a bridal suite in the building next door with private bathrooms. The private courtyard was created from the original loading docks and is perfect for a sunny afternoon ceremony or vows under the stars. 2nd: Bonnet Springs Park 3rd: White Horse Venue BEST PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER WERLOSTBOYS MEDIA COLLABORATIVE FB: werlostboys IG @werlostboys This Lakeland media collaborative was started in 2019 when freelancing videographer Cole Adams teamed up with photographer and entrepreneur Earnest J. Odom. Together they formed a film production and creative agency. Since partnering with Lakeland event series Buena Market, over 50 clients have seen their visions materialize through werlostboys’ photography, videography, and design services. “Our team of experienced photographers, filmmakers, and designers strive to create unique visuals that truly capture the essence of each story. From promotional videos for small businesses to event highlight reels for organizations in the community, we are dedicated to delivering stunning images and videos that showcase the best of what Lakeland has to offer.” 2nd: Jonicia Rodrigues 3rd: Tina Sargeant Photography BEST EVENT ENTERTAINMENT DREAMS COME TRUE ENTERTAINMENT 214 Traders Alley, Lakeland (863) 944-1264 FB @DreamsComeTrueEntertainment IG @dctemagicalmemories It’s all in the name! Dreams Come True Entertainment sets out to create magic for party-goers by providing character entertainment for all ages. After all, “all it takes is faith, trust, and a little pixie dust.” They can make an appearance at your private party, host your private event at their Enchanted Fairytale Hollow, or you can join them for weekly and monthly events! Award-winning custom-made costumes and experienced actors bring an unmatched level of authenticity to each fairytale and superhero character. Owner Amy Sharpe says, “It has always been my dream to make children happy and make a difference in their lives, and with my new company, now I can do that while doing something I love and bring magic and hope into hearts young and old. I strive my hardest to be the most memorable, authentic, and fun entertainer you ever meet!” 2nd: Momma and Friends Brunch Show (Rose Dynasty Foundation) 3rd: Graingertainment BEST FUNERAL SERVICES HEATH FUNERAL CHAPEL & CREMATORY 328 S Ingraham Ave, Lakeland (863) 682-0111 FB: Heath Funeral Chapel & Crematory “Funeral care that’s state-of-the-heart.” Heath Funeral Chapel has been family-owned and operated since 1959. In addition to their Best Of LKLD win this year, Heath has been honored numerous times with the Pursuit of Excellence Award by the National Funeral Directors Association. “Heath has been continuously recognized for professional, ethical excellence and for providing quality, compassionate care, and aftercare to all families served.” That care is reflected in their many glowing reviews. One heartfelt review reads, “Heath Funeral Chapel took great care of our family and helped us through the very hard times you face after the death of a loved one. We have used their services twice since 2020 and they have been professional and keep in frequent contact during the steps in the cremation and service process.” 2nd: Gentry-Morrison Funeral Homes 3rd: Coney Funeral Home BEST DRY CLEANER GARMENT CARE PROS AT SOUTHSIDE CLEANERS 901 Florida Ave S, Lakeland (Second location in Plant City) (863) 688-4747 FB @SouthsideCleaners The clever signs draw you in – the quality dry cleaning services keep your business. Garment Care Pros at Southside Cleaners continues to be a Best Of LKLD voter favorite. Since 1954, Southside Cleaners has provided Lakeland with the highest quality of care for their garments. They are one of the only eight companies worldwide to have multiple employees pass the rigorous training to become a Certified Garment Care Professional (CGCP). This team of garment care professionals offers traditional dry cleaning and laundry services, weekly home/office service plans, and historic garment and wedding gown restoration. One freshly laundered customer wrote, “They give great time and attention to my dry cleaning requests and my clothes always look good as new when they are delivered.” 2nd: Regal Cleaners 3rd: Executive Cleaners & Launderer BEST DAYCARE LITTLE SHEPHERDS PRESCHOOL 175 Lake Hollingsworth Dr, Lakeland (863) 616-9196 FB: First Presbyterian Church of Lakeland, Florida IG @fpclakeland This licensed preschool for children three months to four years old has served Lakeland for over 25 years. Little Shepherds is a church-supported program regulated by the Polk County Health Department/Department of Children and Families with oversight from the session, pastors, and church administration of First Presbyterian Church (FPC), Lakeland. The preschool prides itself on providing quality, safe childcare, noting, “The mission of Little Shepherds Preschool is to communicate God’s message of love and redemption through Christ by prayer, teaching, example, worship, and play.” 2nd: Country Lane Child Enrichment Center 3rd: Bright Imaginations Learning Centers of Lakeland BEST AUTO REPAIR LEVY’S IMPERIAL TIRE & AUTO SERVICE 833 Florida Ave S, Lakeland (863) 688-7131 This tire dealer and automotive repair shop take the worry and hassle out of car repairs. Whether your A/C is on the fritz or your check engine light is aglow, Levy’s is the place to go! Customers laud Levy’s Imperial Tire & Auto for good, honest service. One forever patron writes, “I had a nail in my tire four years ago and I never forgot the wonderful service I received when I visited Levy’s. Today I bought a brand new set of tires from the same man who helped me back then and I am naturally very happy with the service I received today! You have a customer for life, Levy’s! Thank you for the consistently awesome customer service!!” 2nd: Webb’s BP Services Center 3rd: Christian Brothers Automotive BEST AUTO DEALER BARTOW FORD 2800 US-98 North, Bartow (863) 533-0425 FB: Bartow Ford Company IG @bartowford Proudly serving Central Florida for over 75 years, Bartow Ford provides unmatched customer care. They specialize in selling and servicing new Ford vehicles and all used makes and models. According to Ford Motor Company, Bartow Ford was the #1 Volume Truck Sales Dealership in Florida for 2014, is part of Ford Motor Credit’s Top 25 Commercial Vehicle Center franchises, is a 30-time Ford’s Top One Hundred Club member, and a 19-time President’s Award Winner. With over 250 employees across their 30-acre facility, Bartow Ford has what you need, whether that’s a Service Department, Parts Department, Collision Center, Heavy Duty Shop, Rental Center, or appointment-free Quick Lane for oil changes. One of thousands of five-star reviews reads in part, “I’ve brought a couple trucks from here and have always been satisfied with the entire process. This dealership is not pushy and really tries to do everything they can to get [you] the best deal for your budget. [...]” 2nd: Regal Honda 3rd: Lakeland Automall BEST CAR WASH MISTER CAR WASH Multiple Locations FB: Mister Car Wash IG @mistercarwashhq Mister Car Wash – “Inspiring people to shine!” Since opening their first Houston, Texas location in 1969, Mister Car Wash has become a premier car wash company, committed to offering customers a clean, dry, shiny car every time using their patented Unity Chemistry system. Whether you’re looking for a single wash or to become a member of the Ultimate Wash Club, Mister Car Wash’s team members are committed to a quality experience. One Mister Car Wash South Florida location customer wrote, “I wish I would have come here ages ago! One of the last full service options out there. They cleaned the car inside and out. [...]” 2nd: Waters CarWash 3rd: Love Express Car Wash BEST RV DEALER CAMPING WORLD 7400 E State Rd 60, Bartow (866) 906-9517 FB: Camping World IG @campingworld Camping World is the nation’s largest retailer of RVs, RV accessories, and RV-related services, with over 185 Camping World SuperCenters across the country. They won by a landslide in this category, not even a close 2nd in sight! Not only do they offer a full-service call center, but their comprehensive website also features thousands of quality products for RVs, camping, towing, and outdoor living. One Bartow Camping World customer raved, “Super experience in all respects! Staff is friendly, knowledgeable & ready to serve your needs. I purchased a new premium camper & the selection process was facilitated by Rhonda, a great sales associate. Took delivery today and am looking forward to my first expedition!” BEST RV PARK CAMP MARGARITAVILLE AUBURNDALE 361 Denton Ave, Auburndale (863) 455-7335 FB: Camp Margaritaville Auburndale IG @campmargaritavilleauburndale Chill at Camp Margaritaville! This Auburndale luxury RV resort offers 326 RV sites, including 11 Super Premium RV Sites, along with 75 Cabana Cabins. Guests can enjoy a tiki bar, fire pits, resort pool, entertainment stage, playground, dog parks, and putting course, or plan a day with the crew hiking, biking, or sightseeing. One happy camper noted, “First time stay and will definitely come back! The resort is very clean and organized. The staff is friendly, helpful and FUN! There are plenty of activities all day long for kids and adults! Our boys loved Gaga ball! Our adult group loved the License to Chill bar and Name That Tune! Our dogs loved the dog park!! Thank you for a great ending to our summer!!” 2nd: Sanlan RV & Golf Resort 3rd: The Outpost Luxury RV Resort Park and Community BEST POWERSPORTS DEALER SKY POWERSPORTS OF LAKELAND 1638 Kathleen Rd, Lakeland (863) 682-4607 FB: Sky Powersports IG @skypowersports_lakeland Have you been to Sky Powersports? We hear they’re wheelie good. “Fantastic dealership and even better staff. Was there yesterday and purchased a Polaris XP 1000 NorthStar Edition and a trailer. Jeff the salesperson was phenomenal. Bre and Jeremy were fantastic as well. They made the process smooth, easy, and a warm exchange all around. Thank you all at SkySports Lakeland! We will be back soon!” writes one powersport patron. Sky Powersports has a large selection of new and pre-owned models of motorcycles, ATVs, and sideby-sides and is an authorized Indian Motorcycle®, Polaris®, Slingshot®, Suzuki, Victory Motorcycles®, and Yamaha powersport dealership. They are the most progressive multi-line powersports dealer in Florida, with a team of professional sales members, finance experts, service technicians, and a knowledgeable parts and accessories staff. 2nd: Fun Bike Center Motorsports 3rd: 92 Powersports BEST OIL CHANGE LEVY’S IMPERIAL TIRE & AUTO SERVICE 833 Florida Ave S, Lakeland (863) 688-7131 Best Auto Repair and Best Oil Change?! Best Of LKLD voters are revved up about Levy’s Imperial Tire & Auto Service. Known for reliable, honest service, Levy’s is the place to go for that oil change you’re overdue for. One customer writes, “Competitively priced and great service. They helped us out one time and it really stayed with us and recommend them, always. Family establishment and if you hang around for your car you can play with the dog. Highly recommend.” 2nd: Take 5 Oil Change 3rd: Christian Brothers Automotive BEST PRINT OR SIGN SHOP WHATEVER TEES 4020 Kidron Rd #6, Lakeland (863) 370-0740 FB: Whatever Tees Screen Printing & Embroidery IG @whatevertees “Could not be happier with our shirts and the customer service of Whatever Tees! I had messaged and even stopped into four other local companies for quotes and never heard back from any of them. When I emailed Whatever Tees, I had a response within minutes and each subsequent email was answered just as promptly. They were able to do exactly what I wanted, offered suggestions, and completed the project quickly. Would recommend them to everyone looking to have shirts screen printed. [...]” raves one Whatever Tees customer. This family-operated embroidery and screen printing shop focuses on quick turnaround, quality work, and customer service. “We can handle any size order, as many as you need, or just one shirt. Whatever!” 2nd: Dixie Signs 3rd: iNK Screen Printing BEST CPA PARRISH & PARRISH CPAS, P.A. 6700 Florida Ave S STE 19, Lakeland (863) 709-8337 FB: Parrish & Parrish CPAs, P.A. Parrish & Parrish, P.A., is a Certified Public Accounting firm with offices in Lakeland and Plant City, providing a wide variety of accounting, tax and financial management services tailored to meet the needs of their business and individual clients. “Our Certified Public Accounting (CPA) services are designed to make your job easier and provide you with more time to focus on building your business. We keep abreast of tax law changes throughout the year to ensure that you are taking advantage of ALL tax incentives.” Their Lakeland-based team has over 50 years of combined accounting experience with experts in the areas of Business and Individual Tax Preparation, Tax & Estate Planning, IRS Problem Resolution, Sales Tax Audit Representation, Accounting, Bookkeeping, Payroll, QuickBooks, Guardianship Accounts, New Business Formations, Financial Statements, Business Valuation, and Litigation Support. 2nd: Kellie M. Deitrick, P.A. CPA 3rd: Brinton Fairchild, LLC - CPAs BEST FINANCIAL ADVISOR CPS INVESTMENT ADVISORS 205 E Orange St #310, Lakeland (863) 688-1725 FB: CPS Investment Advisors IG @cpsinvestmentadvisors Since 1975, CPS Investment Advisors have helped clients plan for the future and achieve financial independence. They’ve forged trusting, long-lasting relationships to craft comprehensive financial plans that deliver long-term security and success. “We provide each client with a highly coordinated team of finance, tax, investment, and business experts, all working together to provide clients with comprehensive solutions as unique as their situations.” Clients praise CPS for their friendly, knowledgeable staff and individualized customer service. 2nd: Allen & Company 3rd: CORE Wealth Advisors BEST ATTORNEY DOUG BURNETTI LAW OFFICES OF BURNETTI, P.A. 211 Florida Ave S, Lakeland (888) 444-8508 FB: Burnetti, P.A. IG @burnetti_pa “As a board-certified civil trial lawyer, I have had the opportunity to handle many different types of cases in the courtroom, including auto accidents, premises liability, medical malpractice, nursing home neglect, and products liability. As the founder of Burnetti, P.A., I am very pleased to have watched the firm develop over the years,” says Doug Burnetti. The personal injury attorneys at Burnetti, P.A. have served clients across the state for over 25 years. One client testimonial reads in part, “My Burnetti experience was amazing. I felt the concern and care they had for me. They were always calling to check on me and keep me updated on my case. I highly recommend Burnetti P.A. as a great and caring law firm. [...]” 2nd: Brooks Law Group 3rd: Lauriane Ciccarelli | Troiano & Roberts BEST BANK MIDFLORIDA CREDIT UNION Multiple Locations FB @MIDFLORIDA IG @midflorida_creditunion MIDFLORIDA, a repeat winner for Best Bank, is not-for-profit and member-owned, offering banking products and services from personal and business banking to loans, mortgages, and investing. It began in 1954 as Polk County Teachers Credit Union and now has more than 60 branches as Central Florida’s community credit union. MIDFLORIDA emphasizes personal attention and competitive rates “Because your money isn’t just a string of numbers on an account statement. It’s personal—and we think the way you bank should reflect that.” 2nd: (TIE) Citizens Bank & Trust 2nd: (TIE) SouthState Bank 3rd: Bank of Central Florida BEST INSURANCE AGENT JOY MORSE | STATE FARM 5727 US Hwy 98 S, Lakeland (863) 647-2915 FB @JoyMorseInsurance “My team of licensed insurance professionals and I are here to help make insurance & financial services easy to understand. We are here to protect you from everyday risks and make sure that your insurance program doesn’t have gaps or caps that you are unaware of.” Joy Morse is in her 35th year of business serving Lakeland and the surrounding areas. Her agency has qualified for multiple State Farm Awards over the years, including Ambassador Travel, State Farm Crystal Honor, and State Farm Chairman’s Circle. The Joy Morse State Farm Insurance Agency can help you with Car, Home, Life, Renters, Boat, Motorcycle, and Health Insurance and assist small business owners with their Commercial Insurance. 2nd: Ewing Blackwelder & Duce Insurance 3rd: Mark Lanier | State Farm BEST SPA DAYDREAMS DAY & MED SPA 1463 Town Center Dr. E, Lakeland (863) 686-5859 FB @DayDreamsDaySpaLakeland IG @daydreams.dayspa This is the stuff dreams are made of. “A brand that is synonymous with luxury, beauty, and high-end services,” DayDreams Day & Med Spa offers spa packages, massages, facials, chemical peels, HydraFacial/Oxygeneo, permanent makeup, nails, waxing, lashes and brows, and even a kid’s spa. One pampered patron writes, “I love the atmosphere of the spa. It smells great, it instantly relaxes you, the staff is always friendly and who doesn’t love a mimosa? I’ve had several massages, eyebrow and nail treatments and they have all been amazing. I leave feeling relaxed and pampered. I have recommended DayDreams to numerous people.” 2nd: Vega Spa 3rd: Pura Vie Holistic Studio BEST MEDICAL SPA DAYDREAMS DAY & MED SPA 1463 Town Center Dr. E, Lakeland (863) 686-5859 FB @DayDreamsDaySpaLakeland IG @daydreams.dayspa Get back your glow at DayDreams Day & Med Spa in Lakeland. This med spa offers premium services in medical esthetics performed by licensed healthcare providers. Whether you’re in the market for Botox and fillers or facial resurfacing, DayDreams can assist you. The spa recommends one of its most popular services, the DayDreams Medical Esthetics procedure. “In a true spa setting, cutting-edge technology, top-notch products, and decades of medical aesthetic experience make for the area’s premier medical spa experience.” Step into a plush robe and slippers, enjoy complimentary guest services, including infused waters, coffee, tea, and snacks, and relax. You deserve it! 2nd: Bella Viságe Medical & Aesthetic Rejuvenation 3rd: Ageless Aesthetics & Wellness BEST HAIR SALON BLOWN BEAUTIFUL DRY BAR 1021 E County Rd 540A, Lakeland (863) 937-3428 FB: Blown Beautiful Dry Bar IG @blownbeautifuldrybar Best Of LKLD voters are blown away by this dry bar! Blown Beautiful Dry Bar is a luxury beauty bar dedicated to providing clients with a premier experience. “We’ve created a space for individuals to come, take a relaxing moment for themselves, be pampered, and leave feeling empowered, confident, beautiful, and ready to conquer the world!” Known for their signature blowouts, Blown Beautiful has a full menu of other services, from hair and makeup to waxing and extensions. “I highly recommend Blown Beautiful because I have had an amazing experience every time that I have gone,” writes one beautified babe, “The staff is so friendly and personable, and I always leave there feeling confident and beautiful.” 2nd: Local Remedy 3rd: Woodlund Salon BEST BARBER SKULLY’S BARBER SALON 434 W Pipkin Rd, Lakeland (863) 224-3507 FB: Skullys Barber Salon IG @skullysbarbersalon Skully’s can’t be stopped! This year after year Best Barber went from “a tank of gas and a dream” to an award-winning mobile and brick-and-mortar salon. A master barber, Skully founded his hair biz doing house calls in 2015 and opened his mobile barbershop out of a 32-foot RV in 2017. Now Skully’s Barber Salon has a physical location on W. Pipkin Road in Lakeland. Skully can hook you up with a haircut, skin fade, beard trim, or shave (he does women’s hair too)! One customer review reads, “I just moved into the area after having seen my previous barber for seven years. Totally was not looking forward to having to go through all the trials of finding another good one. I was super impressed by how good of a job Skully did with my cut. He’s [won] best barber shop for years in a row and I can see why. Really great price for the cut as well. I absolutely found my next seven-year guy!” 2nd: Lakeland Barber Company 3rd: Gents Classic Cuts BEST NAIL SALON PAINT NAIL BAR 1486 Town Center Drive, Lakeland (863) 777-2947 FB @paintnailbarlakeland IG @paintlakeland “I have been visiting this nail salon for about a year now, and my experiences have been consistently amazing. The salon creates a welcoming atmosphere, and its cleanliness and organization are impeccable, [...]” writes one freshly painted patron. Now, it’s time for an Uptown Girl mani/ pedi! PAINT nailed it again this year. They are committed to their client’s health and the earth through their choice of product lines. They also opt for ceramic pedicure basins over whirlpool jets (which often harbor bacteria). “Whether it is cleanliness, color selection, client service, nail art, environment, attention to detail, or the wonderful energy at PAINT… you name it, we’ve thought of it, developed it, and fine-tuned it based on staff and client feedback.” 2nd: Noire The Nail Bar 3rd: Lee Spa Nails BEST TATTOO STUDIO BLACK SWAN TATTOO 1119 Florida Ave S, Lakeland (863) 937-9777 FB @blackswantattoo IG @blackswantattoo Taking the top tattoo spot again this year, Black Swan provides a relaxed atmosphere, a clean environment, and tattoos worth talking about. Established in 2007, they now have six artists with over 70 years of combined experience, versed in all styles of tattooing. One Black Swan patron writes, “One of my favorite shops to go to. All the artists are talented and very professional. Shop is always clean and provides a positive environment for everyone.” Clients consistently rave about the level of service and quality of work they receive from this Best Of LKLD voter favorite shop. 2nd: Patterson Tattoos 3rd: (TIE) Gaslight Tattoo Company 3rd: (TIE) Holy Grail Tattoo BEST PIERCING HOLY GRAIL TATTOO 121 E Alamo Dr, Lakeland (863) 510-5990 FB: Holy Grail Tattoo IG @holygrailtattoos Best Of LKLD voters say this place is the Holy Grail of piercing. Holy Grail Tattoo is a premier custom tattoo and piercing studio in South Lakeland, dedicated to quality and customer satisfaction. The shop boasts hundreds of five-star reviews, many of which applaud the shop’s piercer. One freshly pierced patron writes, “Janet is the by far the best piercer I’ve been to. I have had multiple piercings and jewelry upgrades performed by her. She’s always welcoming and makes sure to thoroughly explain the process so you’re always aware of what’s happening. Not to mention her amazing style and creative piercing plans and ideas. Will not be going to anyone else!” 2nd: Gaslight Tattoo Company 3rd: Black Swan Tattoo

  • LKLD Best of 2023- Food & Drink

    BEST PIZZA PALACE PIZZA DOWNTOWN 114 S Kentucky Ave, Lakeland (863) 688-0045 FB @palacepizzadowntown IG @palacepizzadtwn This pizza shop reigns supreme! Palace Pizza Downtown is royalty in the Best Pizza category year after year. They bring over 25 years of experience to the table, along with fresh dough, quality tomatoes, and 100% whole milk mozzarella cheese. The Palace Pizza fam follows traditional recipes to give guests authentic Italian flavor. You can get pizza by the slice or pan with options like Neapolitan, Sicilian, and supreme. Or, build your own! (They even have gluten-free pizza.) 2nd: J. Burns’ Pizza Shop 3rd: Jet’s Pizza BEST BURGER BURGER 21 1601 Town Center Dr, Lakeland (863) 937-8002 FB @b21lakeland IG @myburger21 These guys are bun in a million, according to Best Of LKLD voters! Now lettuce tell you why. Burger 21 chefs hand-cut and hand-patty each burger in the kitchen for every order. Their juicy Angus beef is a fan favorite, with plenty of other options, like chicken and veggie burgers (which are free of hormones and antibiotics). Polish your burger off with a shake and fries! “Our goal is to create a neighborhood spot where friends, families, and coworkers can come together and eat delicious quality burgers. With more than 21 burger varieties featuring chicken, seafood, veggie, and beef, a Burger 21 burger is like nothing you’ve ever tasted.” 2nd: The Chop Shop 3rd: Ford’s Garage BEST TACOS TAPATIO’S RESTAURANT MEXICANO 734 E Memorial Blvd, Lakeland (863) 686-6958 FB @Tapatios 6645 Florida Ave S, Lakeland (863) 646-2199 FB @tapatiostiendasfl IG @tapatios2 Tapatio’s is totally spec-taco-lar! “We always cook from scratch, using the freshest meats, produce, and ingredients, according to tradition and what our family has handed down through the generations,” says Tapatio’s. Best Of LKLD voters love their traditional tacos with options including al pastor, de carne asada, chorizo, and more! These top-tier tacos are served on a soft corn tortilla and garnished with onion and cilantro. Tapatio’s, you are the chips to our salsa – we think you’re fantas-taco! 2nd: Mega Mercado 3rd: Taco Bus BEST WINGS WINNERS CIRCLE SPORTSBAR AND GRILL 4215 Florida Ave S, Lakeland (863) 644-9464 FB @winnerscirclelkld IG @wcsportsbar This is the wingman you need in your life. Tasty American-style bar food, done right. Since 2002, this family-owned sports bar has offered good drinks and good times with weekly events like karaoke, free-play poker night, corn-hole, beer pong, buzz time trivia, live DJs, and comedy shows. This repeat wing winner is a three-time “King of the Wing” Championship Title holder. Winners Circle Championship Wings are available bone-in (breaded or naked) or boneless (grilled or fried) with over 46 flavors to toss them in, from mild to hot, sweet to tangy, and everything in between. Some of their unique wing flavors include Syracuse Hot, Coconut Lime, Sour Creme & Onion, PB&J, Cinnamon Chipotle, Smokehouse Maple, and many more! 2nd: Decisions Grill & Bar 3rd: Beef O’Brady’s BEST CUBAN SANDWICH OLE’ TAMPA CUBANS Alamo Plaza, 4525 Florida Ave S STE 31, Lakeland (863) 583-4733 FB: Ole’ Tampa Cubans Lakeland IG @oletampacubans 713 N Church Ave, Mulberry (863) 943-5556 FB: Ole’ Tampa Cubans Welcome to Polk County’s taste of Tampa! These must-try Cuban sandwiches are made with slow-roasted garlic pork, Genoa salami, Swiss cheese, mustard, and pickles pressed to perfection on authentic La Segunda Cuban bread straight from Ybor City. “Whether you prefer a traditional Cuban, enjoy it a little sweet or a little spicy, we have the perfect sandwich to satisfy your cravings.” One Ole’ Tampa Cubans customer raved in part, “WOW! Best place in Lakeland for an authentic-tasting Cuban sandwich! [...]” 2nd: Elena’s Cuban Cafe 3rd: Divicious Deli & Coffee Shop BEST ITALIAN RESTAURANT SCARPA’S ITALIAN 1833 E Edgewood Dr, Lakeland (863) 937-8940 FB: Scarpa’s Italian IG @scarpasitalian Scarpa’s surpasses the competition yet again for Best Italian Restaurant! Since opening in 2013, Scarpa’s has cemented itself as a Lakeland Italian food institution. The restaurant is family-owned and operated by Glenn, former chef at Mario’s for twelve years, and Ashley Scarpa. Their menu boasts housemade pastas, and they’ve even had a visit from chef Emeril Lagassé for his show, Emeril’s Florida, in 2016. Scarpa’s award-winning Italian dishes are made fresh daily and prepared to order, so be sure to call ahead for a sought-after Scarpa’s table. Enjoy your penne bolognese or veal cannelloni with a glass or bottle of wine from their substantial wine menu. 2nd: Il Forno Italian Restaurant 3rd: Palace Pizza Downtown BEST INDIAN RESTAURANT CURRY MANGO 6625 Florida Ave S, Lakeland (863) 940-2275 FB @mycurrymango IG @mycurrymango These guys just keep winning, naan stop! At Curry Mango, guests can indulge in authentic Indian flavors like butter chicken, lamb vindaloo, and chicken tikka masala. Patrons appreciate their bright, flavorful dishes, authenticity, and service. One Curry Mango convert wrote, “My first time enjoying Indian food, and it didn’t disappoint. Fell in love with the fresh garlic naan and the dipping sauces. I had the mango curry chicken and my husband had Tikka Masala. Both were delicious. Staff was very attentive and nice. Loved the experience and food! Hidden little gem in Lakeland, worth the drive from Lithia.” 2nd: Chilly Masala Indian Cuisine BEST SUSHI RESTAURANT NEW MOON SUSHI 4231 Florida Ave S, Lakeland (863) 647-1212 FB @newmoonsushi IG @newmoonsushi If we’re getting sushi, New Moon is who we’re rollin’ with. Best Of LKLD voters say its soy good! Their vast selection of traditional Japanese dishes, sushi and sashimi rolls, ramen, tempura, teriyaki dishes, and more have guests singing their sushi praises. Wash your South Florida roll down with a glass of hot sake, wine, or one of New Moon’s 20 signature cocktails. One sushi-satiated patron wrote in part, “We had a great experience at New Moon Sushi! Their rolls were very creative with great flavor combinations. Our favorite was the Fuji Apple roll! We had the pork shumai for an appetizer and they were fresh and flavorful. [...]” 2nd: Tsunami Sushi & Hibachi 3rd: Fancy Q Japanese Restaurant BEST BBQ RESTAURANT MISSION BBQ 4014 Florida Ave S, Lakeland (863) 225-8433 FB @missionbbqtheamericanway IG @missionbbq Another MISSION accomplished for this Lakeland BBQ Restaurant winner. Meat your heart out with Texas-inspired, oak-smoked brisket, slow-smoked hand-pulled pork, or try a bit of everything with a sampler. Along with Smokehouse Signatures, sandwiches, and salads, enjoy made-from-scratch sides like Maggie’s Mac-N-Cheese, green beans with bacon, or baked beans with brisket. According to MISSION BBQ, “We believe there is nothing more American than BBQ. And nobody is more American than the brave men and women who have sworn to protect and serve Our Communities and Our Country. We do what we do for the love of our soldiers, firefighters, police officers, first responders—all our loved ones in service.” 2nd: Mojo Federal Swine & Spirits 3rd: Blue Dog Craft Barbecue BEST DONUTS HOLE IN ONE DONUTS Multiple Locations in Central Florida 2076 E Edgewood Dr, Lakeland (863) 665-8385 Hole In One Donuts are like a par-tee in your mouth! You’re going to want to make some time FORE! this Lakeland donut shop. Glazed, sprinkled, cream-filled, and powdered sugar goodness are par for the course at this Lakeland bake shop. Hole In One Donut devotees often rave about their freshness and how friendly the staff is. One happy Hole In One customer wrote, “This is the best place! Family run for many years, we always see the same people when we come in. Their donuts are SO good. The blueberry cake is the best I’ve tried. Everything tastes so fresh! We love getting their special which is a breakfast sandwich, donut and a drink for a very reasonable price. It’s just good simple food from a lovely little shop. Don’t skip on the blueberry cake donut!” 2nd: Charlie’s Mini Donuts & Coffee 3rd: Krispy Kreme BEST SUB SANDWICH PUBLIX FB @publix IG @publix Pub Subs are pretty deli-ghtful! This iconic sandwich has become the nation’s envy, with an array of subs to savor, from the Boar’s Head Italian Sub to the Publix Ultimate Sub. The options are ‘sub’stantial, but the tried-and-true sammy is the Chicken Tender Sub made with Publix Deli’s famous double-hand-breaded chicken tenders. Little known fact, if you don’t have a Pub Sub every so often, they’ll revoke your Florida card. I’m due for mine soon! 2nd: Subs ‘n Such 3rd: Firehouse Subs BEST MEXICAN RESTAURANT TAPATIO’S RESTAURANT MEXICANO 734 E Memorial Blvd, Lakeland (863) 686-6958 FB @Tapatios 6645 Florida Ave S, Lakeland (863) 646-2199 FB @tapatiostiendasfl IG @tapatios2 Not only are they taco titans, but this restaurant also boasts the best Mexican fare. Fresh meats, produce, and ingredients are used to make authentic family recipes that have been handed down through generations. Tapatio’s has a sprawling menu offering everything from flautas, guac, and chips and salsa, to burritos, quesadillas, enchiladas, fajitas, and of course, Tapatio’s Best Of LKLD-winning tacos. End your meal with churros and ice cream or a piece of toothsome tres leches cake. “Favorite authentic Mexican restaurant in Lakeland. Their food tastes amazing like it’s homemade and portion sizes are huge. The food is always hot for takeout and tastes fresh. [...]” reads part of one Tapatio’s five-star review. 2nd Abuelo’s Mexican Restaurant 3rd: Azteca D’ Oro Mexican Restaurant BEST LATIN RESTAURANT NINETEEN61 215 E Main St, Lakeland (863) 688-1961 FB @nineteen61 IG @nineteen61_ Passionate and creative chefs use fresh ingredients to craft authentic and modern Latin cuisine. Nineteen61’s Owner and Chef Marcos Fernandez has “traveled to where the food takes him. This unrestricted approach translates into a diversified career of industry experience, spanning over 16 years and several countries.” These travels have broadened Chef Marcos’ culinary creations from the native Cuban cuisine of his youth to Peruvian, Italian, French, Spanish, and the American South. Hundreds of five-star reviews laud Nineteen61 for its exceptional Latin fare, upscale atmosphere, and unmatched service. 2nd: Zarza Latin Food & Grill 3rd: Tapatio’s Restaurant Mexicano BEST SOUL FOOD RESTAURANT FRED’S MARKET RESTAURANT 2120 Harden Blvd, Lakeland (863) 603-7080 FB: Fred’s Market Restaurant IG @freds_market Family dining and southern hospitality are at the heart of this Lakeland eatery. Fred’s Market Restaurant was started in a gas station where Evelyn Johnson would cook family meals for her husband, Elton, and their children. Over the years, it grew into three restaurants offering farm-to-plate fresh dishes with the same southern hospitality it started with. “Our food is slowly cooked in a natural and unprocessed way, served in a cozy atmosphere full of warmth and fun. We don’t compromise on quality or character, whether it’s the ingredients in our dishes or the attitudes of our people. It’s southern comfort that’s pure and hearty all the way to the core, and it’s all found at Fred’s Market Restaurant.” 2nd: Country Chicken & Fish 3rd: Plates on Deck BEST BREAKFAST RESTAURANT KEKE’S BREAKFAST CAFE 3615 Florida Ave S #110, Lakeland (863) 937-9666 4115 US Hwy 98 N, Lakeland (863) 937-7395 FB: Keke’s Breakfast Cafe IG @kekesbreakfastcafe “It’s like your hometown diner grew up and went to the city.” Keke’s serves up an eggcellent handmade breakfast using the best ingredients available, with fresh fruits and vegetables delivered daily and the highest quality bread and dairy products. Their menu includes waffles, pancakes, omelets, French toast, create-your-own combos, and more. One Keke’s patron writes, “Everything was perfect, fresh strawberries, eggs seasoned/cooked right. No wait on the weekend around 10 am and we didn’t have to wait long for our food. Definitely would come back.” 2nd: Fat Jacks Deli & Pub 3rd: First Watch BEST BRUNCH FRESCOS SOUTHERN KITCHEN & BAR 132 S Kentucky Ave, Lakeland (863) 683-5267 FB: Frescos IG @frescoslakeland Bottomless blood orange mimosas and sweet buttermilk pancakes, anyone? Frescos Owner and Chef Tina Calhoon believes that “with good food comes comfort and happiness. THAT is the Frescos’ philosophy and tradition that she continues to build on – offering warm, southern hospitality and creating an experience through food that brings joy to others.” And that’s just what you get with Frescos’ fabulous brunch – pure joy. Some of the southern goodness includes fried green tomatoes, apple bourbon monkey bread, shrimp and grits, and spicy chicken and waffles. Imbibe in a bellini or Bloody Mary and end things sweetly with butter pecan cake or creme brulee. I could keep going… Their brunch is just that good! 2nd: First Watch 3rd: Momma and Friends Brunch Show BEST SEAFOOD HARRY’S SEAFOOD BAR & GRILLE 101 N Kentucky Ave, Lakeland (863) 686-2228 FB @harrys.seafood.lakeland IG @hookedonharrys Voters are hooked on Harry’s! “We’ve taken the best of Cajun, Creole, and Southern flavors and infused them with a modern twist to create some truly unique and award-winning dishes.” Award-winning indeed! You can’t go wrong with Southern seafood staples like shrimp-n-grits, blackened redfish, Harry’s Signature Crab Cakes, and shrimp po’boys. One customer reviewed in part, “Harry’s is an amazing place for some great seafood, drinks, and atmosphere. Very authentic New Orleans cuisine. [...]” 2nd: Fish City Grill 3rd: Mr. & Mrs. Crab BEST THAI RESTAURANT THAI OISHI 1535 Town Center Dr, Lakeland (863) 333-0657 FB: Thai Oishi Restaurant Looking for great-tasting Japanese and Thai dishes? If you haven’t been, it’s about Pad Thai-me you try out Thai Oishi! From Drunken Noodles to Panang Curry, they have all you’d need to Thai you over in a cozy atmosphere. Traditional Thai dishes may be ordered mild, medium, hot, or Thai hot, and most dishes can be made vegetarian upon request. One Thai Oishi patron wrote, “My absolute favorite Thai restaurant in Lakeland. Their duck dishes are superb and their sushi is always fantastic and fresh.” 2nd: Spice Thai & Sushi 3rd: Fancy Q Sushi & Thai BEST MEDITERRANEAN RESTAURANT CAFÉ ZUPPINA 4417 Florida Ave S, Lakeland (863) 644-5144 FB @CafeZuppina IG @cafezuppina A taste of the Mediterranean, not too far from home. Cafe Zuppina owners Berna and Erkan Nar have shared their Turkish culture with the Lakeland community for over a decade through fresh, healthy Mediterranean food. The dishes at Cafe Zuppina are made from scratch with fresh ingredients, which the owners shop locally for each day. Everything on the menu, from the Veggie Moussaka and the Aegean Salad to Zuppina’s Lamb Chops, are as stunning visually as they are to taste. In 2019, Cafe Zuppina opened The Market next door, which serves as a coffeehouse and curated collection of international goods. 2nd: Louis Pappas Fresh Greek Lakeside 3rd: Street Cafe BEST CHINESE RESTAURANT PEKING HOUSE 2411 Florida Ave S, Lakeland (863) 688-9022 This award-winning Chinese restaurant is praised for its tasty cuisine made to order using fresh ingredients. Peking House offers an extensive menu with familiar dishes like sweet and sour chicken, lo mein, chop suey, and dumplings, along with house specials like spicy crispy shrimp and Mandarin seafood delight. End your meal with some tasty Chinese doughnuts! “Best traditional Chinese food in Lakeland. Love the hole in the wall aspect of this place that has stayed true to its roots. Large portions, quality ingredients and nice friendly people!” wrote one customer. 2nd: China Wok 3rd: Ling’s Buffet BEST RESTAURANT FOR OYSTERS FISH CITY GRILL 1485 Town Center Dr., Suite D112, Lakeland (863) 683-1243 FB @fishcitygrill IG @fishcitygrill The best shuckin’ place for oysters in Lakeland! Fish City Grill offers oyster nachos made with fried oysters, chipotle tartar sauce, and fresh pico de gallo, or guests can keep it classic with oysters on the half shell with a varying selection from Fresh Gulf Oysters and East Coast Oysters from small farms. For an entree, you can make it a Pick 2 or Pick 3 combo with beer-battered cod, catfish, shrimp, and oysters. Yum! One customer writes, “I have only been here twice, and let me tell you I will keep coming back! I’ve tried different dishes and have loved everything I’ve had so far. The Mango Margarita was refreshing and so good. The Chargrilled Oysters and Calamari are a must every time. Love this place! Money well spent!!” 2nd: Lucky’s Sports, Oyster, & Tiki Bar 3rd: Gary’s Oyster Bar & Seafood House BEST ICE CREAM MAYDAY ICE CREAM 640 E Main St, Lakeland (Inside The Joinery) FB @maydayicecream IG @maydayicecream Sprinkle some Mayday goodness on your day! Cancel your plans immediately and head for a scoop of handcrafted ice cream. Based in The Joinery, Mayday Ice Cream dishes out tasty cold treats topped with homemade sprinkles, served in homemade waffle cones. Their cones smell so good you might just cartoon float your way to their shop when you walk into the food hall. Enjoy it there or grab a to-go pint of flavors like Blueberry Toast Crunch, Cloud 9, Parent Trap, Ice Box Lemon, Key Lime Pie, Coffee + Donuts, Gillespie’s Bourbon Pecan, and more. 2nd: Andy’s Frozen Custard 3rd: Bruster’s Ice Cream BEST FOOD TRUCK JIMMY’S FAMOUS SEAFOOD EXPRESS FB @Jimmysflexpress IG @jimmysseafood If you know any good seafood jokes, let minnow! Maybe you’ve had their steamed crab at Swan Brewing or their grouper sandwich at Grove Roots? You’ve definitely heard of them – they are famous, after all! According to Jimmy’s Famous Seafood Express, “We are a food truck bringing you the amazing tastes of Jimmy’s famous seafood from Baltimore to the streets of Florida!” Jimmy’s is well-known for fresh, delicious seafood bites on the go, like their award-winning Jumbo Lump Maryland Crab Cakes, The Crabby Patty (an 8 oz hamburger patty smothered in house crab dip and topped with fresh crab meat), and Kung Pao Shrimp Tacos (hand-breaded shrimp fried to perfection served with homemade coleslaw on flour tortillas). Swim over to their social media to see where they’ll be next. 2nd: Fat Maggie’s 3rd: Omusubee BEST DINER REECECLIFF FAMILY DINER 940 Florida Ave S, Lakeland (863) 686-6661 IG @reececliff.diner Reececliff Family Diner is the longest-running restaurant in Lakeland, serving Americana diner fare since 1934. They pride themselves on consistency and a down-home atmosphere. The diner offers breakfast, lunch, and dinner Southern classics from their Ranchers Breakfast to Reececliff Honey Chicken. Guests rave about their food, portion sizes, ambiance, and customer service. We’ve heard the pie, which has been “crafted by the same expert for more than 50 years,” is worth a visit alone! 2nd: Fat Jacks Deli & Pub 3rd: Cozy Oaks Restaurant BEST FINE DINING NINETEEN61 215 E Main St, Lakeland (863) 688-1961 FB @nineteen61 IG @nineteen61_ “Phenomenal dining experience. The service was superb, the food was exceptional, and the white sangria was perfect. The Grand Marnier creme brulee was absolutely divine. The perfect upscale spot for a special occasion,” writes one Nineteen61 patron. Nineteen61, opened in 2015 by Chef Marcos Fernandez, continues to be a Best Of LKLD voter darling. This posh downtown restaurant prides itself on authentic cuisine with menus that are “both authentic and modern in Latin culture,” fresh ingredients, and creative chefs. “At Nineteen61, we position ourselves as a benchmark for Lakeland dining. A new standard that shows what is possible – what Lakeland diners should expect from their restaurants.” 2nd: Scarpa’s Italian 3rd: The Terrace Grille BEST PATIO DINING THE PATIO - LAKELAND 850 S Tennessee Ave, Lakeland (863) 816-3101 FB: The Patio-Lakeland IG @thepatiolakeland String lights and lush greenery abound in this centrally located oasis. The Patio - Lakeland offers an intimate hideaway dining experience with sophisticated brunch and dinner menus. This locally owned and operated fine dining establishment specializes in outdoor dining and features a substantial selection of dishes, including seafood, pizza, and wine. According to The Patio, “Our chefs use the highest-quality ingredients in our dishes and prepare them with care to ensure every bite is full of flavor.” This restaurant is also pet-friendly, so you can bring your four-legged BFF! Enjoy refined fare with your friends and family amid an upscale, cozy ambiance at The Patio. 2nd: Nineteen61 3rd: Frescos Southern Kitchen & Bar BEST CASUAL DINING THE BACK NINE 124 S Tennessee Ave, Lakeland (863) 603-3700 FB: The Back Nine Lakeland IG @thebackninelakeland The Back Nine owners, Ethan and Jenna Smith, “had a desire to create a place of togetherness, where you can just be and enjoy the people around you.” According to Best Of LKLD voters, that’s just what they created. The Back Nine is a relaxed pub offering exceptional hospitality, tasty drinks, craft food, and state-of-the-art golf simulators. One Back Nine patron writes, “A wonderful family dining and virtual sports entertainment venue. An outstanding addition to our downtown choices. I know where the golfers are going to be when the rains come. Pet Friendly dining outside with easy access from the street for your furry children. Nice menu line up with lots of unique offerings. Two words, ‘Cuban Eggrolls.’ Will definitely be regulars.” 2nd: Frescos Southern Kitchen & Bar 3rd: (TIE) LoveBird Almost Famous Chicken 3rd: (TIE) Black & Brew Coffee House & Bistro BEST BAR REVIVAL 119 S Kentucky Ave, Lakeland (863) 606-6090 FB: Revival IG @revivallakeland Our ‘spirited’ voters say Revival is the Best Bar around! “You may have guessed that we’re quite passionate about our cocktails and the experience they leave you with. No gimmicks, no snazz, just the belief that a beverage program can challenge you to enjoy the marriage of some of Earth’s finest pleasures. Fine Spirits & Fine Company.” Innovative bespoke beverages and unmatched service in a speakeasy atmosphere – what’s not to love? An excerpt from one review reads, “One of my absolute favorite cocktail bars. They deliver high-quality, creative, and rotating cocktails as well as exceptional and personable service. [...]” 2nd: The Back Nine 3rd: Molly McHugh’s Irish Pub BEST COCKTAILS REVIVAL 119 S Kentucky Ave, Lakeland (863) 606-6090 FB: Revival IG @revivallakeland Good cocktails have been revived in the Swan City. Revival patrons can sip specialty cocktails, a full page of Old Fashioneds, seasonal offerings, beer, wine, Tiki drinks, Spritz, or any of the Revival Classics like a Faux-Spresso Martini, Jack Rose, or Savoy Swizzle. “Our master mixologist, Jeannie, a detail-obsessed creative force, is constantly creating unique handmade cocktails that are unparalleled. Driven by passion, you can find her experimenting weekly with new spirits and ingredients, defining the Lakeland cocktail scene.” 2nd: Nineteen61 3rd: The Back Nine BEST WINE MENU NINETEEN61 215 E Main St, Lakeland (863) 688-1961 FB @nineteen61 IG @nineteen61_ With unparalleled service and the Best Fine Dining atmosphere, there’s nowhere better to relax with a glass of pinot than Nineteen61. The establishment prides itself on authentic cuisine, fresh ingredients, and creative chefs, but they should add ‘impressive wine menu’ to that list. According to Nineteen61, “What started as a beer and wine bar has blossomed into a comprehensive and compelling bar program with the support of the community, and under the direction of Nineteen61 partner, Emerson Bamaca.” Join Nineteen61 for Happy Hour, including $6 glasses of wine Monday - Saturday, 3-5 pm, and Sunday, 3-4 pm (drinks only). 2nd: Scarpa’s Italian 3rd: The Pink Piano BEST COFFEE SHOP BLACK & BREW COFFEE HOUSE & BISTRO 205 E Main St, Lakeland (863) 682-1210 4209 Florida Ave S, Lakeland (863) 250-8554 100 Lake Morton Dr, Lakeland (863) 500-9500 FB @blackandbrew IG @blackandbrew The community’s favorite coffee shop, Black & Brew Coffee House & Bistro, now serves Lakeland with three locations. Started in 2006 by brothers Chris and Michael McArthur, B&B is the perfect place to enjoy “community over locally roasted coffee and fresh fare.” They offer a menu of drinks, including traditional espresso beverages, coffee, tea, hot (or frozen) chocolate, frappes, and even featured wines and craft beer, along with sustenance for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. One customer wrote of Black & Brew’s newest Florida Ave. location, “Love this new location! The decor is very cool and the staff is so sweet. They make you feel like a regular and you can tell they enjoy working together and serving their community. I come in about once a week to have breakfast, coffee, and get some work done.” 2nd: Concord Coffee 3rd: Mitchell’s Coffee House BEST BEER LIST SWAN BREWING 115 W Pine St, Lakeland (863) 703-0472 FB @swanbrewingco IG @swanbrewing “We believe traditional beer styles are a vital part of any taproom, and new world beers highlight our spirit of innovation.” And with almost 40 years of combined brewing experience backing their beers, you know it’s good. Swan’s brews pay homage to the community they love with names like Poke County Pils and Straight Outta Lakeland. Enjoy cold craft beers made with only the finest (locally sourced when possible) ingredients in a family and pet-friendly atmosphere. Craft beer connoisseurs appreciate Swan’s array of brews across 30 taps. Cheers to Swan Brewing for another year atop the Best Beer List! 2nd: The Brass Tap 3rd: Cob & Pen BEST POLK COUNTY BEER ROME CITY, IPA BREW HUB 3900 S Frontage Rd, Lakeland (863) 698-7600 FB: Brew Hub IG @brewhub Did you know at its founding, Lakeland was almost named Rome City? It’s true! And that’s where Brew Hub’s 5.8% ABV, 70 IBU American IPA gets its name. Rome City is a GABF 2017 Gold-medal and US Beer Open 2022 Silver-medal-winning IPA, “packed with the juicy goodness of hops, [and] an homage to our flagship brewery in Lakeland, Florida.” One Untappd user said, “I can see why this is award-winning,” and another noted, “Have to travel over 1500 miles to get this … worth every single mile!!!” 2nd: Straight Outta Lakeland, IPA - American Swan Brewing 3rd: The Bean – Coconut and Coffee Blonde Swan Brewing BEST U-PICK FARM FANCY FARMS MARKET 5204 Drane Field Rd, Lakeland (813) 478-3486 FB @fancyfarmsinc IG @fancyfarmsmarket Carl and Dee Dee Grooms started this family-owned strawberry farm and market in 1974 with just 15 acres of strawberries. Son Dustin and daughter Kristi eventually joined the family farm. Today, Fancy Farms operates seasonally from December to June on nearly 125 acres. They offer local produce, fresh flowers (mid-May through the end of June), and seasonal desserts like Strawberry Shortcake, Strawberry, Peach, and Blackberry Cobbler, Hand-Spun Strawberry, Blueberry, and Peach Milkshakes, Strawberry, Blueberry, and Peach Lemonade, and more! “Once you have a taste of our berries – you’ll see just how fancy they are!” 2nd: Keel Farms 3rd: Whitehead’s Blueberry Farm BEST NEW RESTAURANT VEGETATION CAFE & KITCHEN 1439 E Gary Rd, Lakeland (863) 216-8534 FB: Vegetation Plant Food IG @vegetationplantfood “I want to nourish you and your family in the most healthful way possible and I want you to love this way of eating as much as I do,” says owner Rima. And patrons do love Vegetation Cafe & Kitchen’s fresh, tasty meals like Sausage Rigatoni & Ricotta and Tuscan Kale & Bean Soup. Visit the cafe to pick up freshly made, ready-to-go plant-based meals, snacks, and sweets or stay and enjoy them there. Vegetation is a 100% vegan cafe focused on fresh, minimally processed food. One customer writes, “We are so lucky to have this healthy gem in Polk! The dishes are creative & delicious, the employees are all friendly, and the space is perfect for a relaxing lunch. And the espresso drinks are an added bonus!” 2nd: Fresh Kitchen 3rd: 4 Rivers Smokehouse BEST CASUAL DINING THE BACK NINE 124 S Tennessee Ave, Lakeland (863) 603-3700 FB: The Back Nine Lakeland IG @thebackninelakeland The Back Nine owners, Ethan and Jenna Smith, “had a desire to create a place of togetherness, where you can just be and enjoy the people around you.” According to Best Of LKLD voters, that’s just what they created. The Back Nine is a relaxed pub offering exceptional hospitality, tasty drinks, craft food, and state-of-the-art golf simulators. One Back Nine patron writes, “A wonderful family dining and virtual sports entertainment venue. An outstanding addition to our downtown choices. I know where the golfers are going to be when the rains come. Pet Friendly dining outside with easy access from the street for your furry children. Nice menu line up with lots of unique offerings. Two words, ‘Cuban Eggrolls.’ Will definitely be regulars.” 2nd: Frescos Southern Kitchen & Bar 3rd: (TIE) LoveBird Almost Famous Chicken 3rd: (TIE) Black & Brew Coffee House & Bistro BEST CATERING COMPANY TERRIE LOBB CATERING 1239 E Main Street, Bartow (863) 533-6483 FB: Terrie Lobb Catering, Inc. IG @terrielobbcatering “Terrie Lobb Catering offers an excellent menu, professional and courteous staff, and some of the best food that you could have catered in, [...]” writes one client. Terrie Lobb Catering, a repeat winner in this category, has forged a reputation of excellence. They have menus for every occasion, including breakfast, hors d’oeuvres, cold lunch, hot lunch, dinner, wedding, and corporate lunch specials. After attending The American Culinary Academy, Terrie Lobb opened the Bartow-based cafe, The Docket. She catered on the side and found it was suited to her culinary and hospitality abilities. In 2000, she started Catering by Chef Terrie Lobb out of her home, preparing, delivering, and serving each dish herself. Over twenty years later, Terrie Lobb Catering, Inc. employs a kitchen staff with full-time chefs and professional servers to create tailored client experiences that exceed expectations. 2nd: Essential Catering Solutions 3rd: Lakeland BBQ Company BEST VEGAN FOOD VEGETATION CAFE & KITCHEN 1439 E Gary Rd, Lakeland (863) 216-8534 FB: Vegetation Plant Food IG @vegetationplantfood Offering fresh, minimally processed, 100% vegan food, Vegetation Cafe & Kitchen has become a Lakeland darling, taking home Best New Restaurant, Best Vegan Food, and Best Hidden Gem. Guests can visit the cafe to pick up freshly made, ready-to-go plant-based meals, snacks, and sweets or stay and enjoy them there. One patron raves, “Fantastic food. We tried several things and everything was excellent. The Sesame Tempeh Noodle Bowl was my favorite, but the Smoothie Bowl and the Chimichurri vegetable plate were excellent as well. Most of the dishes are “grab and go” so you pick them up without any wait. A couple are made to order. Definitely recommended!” 2nd: The Juice Box 3rd: Street Cafe BEST BAKERY BORN & BREAD BAKEHOUSE 1113 Florida Ave S, Lakeland (863) 450-4513 FB @bornandbreadbakehouse IG @bornandbreadfl “Each day, our lifework is to make the highest quality product, to maintain excellence, to serve our community with our hands and our hearts and to work as a team with love and empathy. Together we will create, learn, and travel through life. We were made for greatness,” says Born & Bread Bakehouse. Each Saturday, resident baking badass, owner Jenn Smurr and her team make fresh bread, cookies, pastries, breakfast sammies, and other handcrafted treats that the community craves. On Wednesdays, Born & Bread is a hub for hungry patrons seeking bread, pastries, breakfast, and lunch. We recommend, well, everything… But to be more specific, you haven’t lived until you’ve had a B+B baked pot pie (which you can order hot or get a take + bake) or their Benton’s BLT finished with a scallion cream cheese, crisp butter lettuce, and fresh tomatoes. 2nd: Publix 3rd: Meraki Bakehouse BEST HIDDEN GEM VEGETATION CAFE & KITCHEN 1439 E Gary Rd, Lakeland (863) 216-8534 FB: Vegetation Plant Food IG @vegetationplantfood This vegan cafe and kitchen has five stars across the board. Guests can visit the cafe to pick up freshly made, ready-to-go plant-based meals, snacks, and sweets or stay and enjoy them there. “Vegan, in Lakeland? I am so happy. We have visited her booth at events. So glad to see a store front to visit anytime we want, [...]” writes one satisfied customer. This is a sentiment we can get behind as well. The community is so glad to see Rima and her team set up shop at a brick and mortar so we can have exceptional, 100% vegan fare anytime we want! This ‘hidden gem’ is sure not to stay hidden for long, with so many singing their praises. 2nd: (TIE) Street Cafe 2nd: (TIE) Uncle Nick’s Italian Deli, Bagels and Catering 3rd: Krazy Kombucha BEST SERVICE NINETEEN61 215 E Main St, Lakeland (863) 688-1961 FB @nineteen61 IG @nineteen61_ This Best Fine Dining and Best Wine List winner also has exceptional service. Guests rave that it’s the perfect place for a special occasion, with world-class fare and unmatched attention to detail that make for an incredible evening. Displaying Nineteen61’s commitment to service to a T, one patron writes, “Hands down best customer service and food I’ve had probably ever! Zach F. was our server and went out of his way to make sure we had an incredible experience! My friend and I were celebrating graduation and they made me a custom menu, free mimosa for the first time visit, and had the entire team sign a card for me!!! Blown away. 10/10 recommend!” This is just one of hundreds of glowing reviews for this Main Street mainstay. 2nd: The Back Nine 3rd: (TIE) Krazy Kombucha 3rd: (TIE) Vegetation Cafe & Kitchen

  • LKLD Best of 2023 - Health + Wellness

    BEST GYM OR FITNESS STUDIO JUST MOVE NORTH LAKELAND 3195 US Hwy 98 N, Lakeland (863) 683-1900 FB: Just Move Athletic Club (North Lakeland) IG @justmovenl JUST MOVE SOUTH LAKELAND 3625 Florida Ave S, Lakeland (863) 232-5411 FB: Just Move Athletic Club (South Lakeland) IG @justmovesl Love handles have a little too much love lately? Don’t sweat it – Just Move! With their premier facilities and programming, Just Move can help you achieve your individual health and wellness goals. According to the gym, “The beauty of Just Move is that it embraces the idea that every person can get one step closer to feeling fit by just moving forward.” Just Move has curated a space that offers custom fitness experiences to its members, from weight machines, cross training, a women’s only area, group classes, and circuit training to boxing, racquetball, basketball, and cable training. 2nd: Planet Fitness 3rd: The Balance Culture BEST MARTIAL ARTS STUDIO KARATE BEYOND BY MASTER CHOE 4124 Florida Ave S, Lakeland (863) 354-5467 FB: Karate Beyond IG @karatebeyond “Martial arts classes benefit growing children far beyond the dojo and in many real-world scenarios,” according to Karate Beyond by Master Choe. The structured classes at Karate Beyond are infused with the latest understandings in child psychology and development. They are meant to help develop coordination, physical fitness, and mental strength and gain valuable social skills. They offer a pre-k ninja class, kid, teen, adult martial arts, summer camp, and after-school pick-up. “Through positive reinforcement, we can bring out the best in your children to help them succeed in life.” One parent writes, “Karate Beyond has taught my boys discipline and given them confidence. We have tried many different kinds of martial arts and self-defense classes. Karate Beyond stands out above the rest by providing skills and guidance for real life situations. It’s a great place for all ages and skill levels! Give them a try…you won’t be disappointed!” 2nd: Sifu Och Wing Chun Kung Fu 3rd: Twisting Tiger Academy BEST MEDICAL CANNABIS DISPENSARY SURTERRA WELLNESS 1222 Florida Ave S, Lakeland (850) 391-5455 FB: Surterra Surterra comes “highly” recommended by Best Of LKLD voters! “Feeling truly well is a gift—and everyone should be able to achieve it. We’re here to empower you and your family to unlock all the benefits of cannabis with the safest, highest quality products and a welcoming experience that’s designed to help you feel your best.” Surterra’s products are cared for in their state-of-the-art facility, the largest greenhouse on the East Coast, and they don’t use harmful chemicals or ingredients in the growing process. They offer a full menu of medical cannabis products, from pre-rolls and edibles to vaporizers, concentrates, oral and sublingual, flower, topicals, and more. 2nd: MÜV Dispensary 3rd: Liberty Health Sciences BEST MEDICAL SUPPLY GARRETT’S MEDICAL SUPPLY 485 1st St N, Winter Haven (863) 293-9747 FB @garrettsmedical Garrett’s Medical Supply has been family-owned and operated since 1986, and owner Jeannine Russell brings with her over 30 years of experience in the medical supply industry. The store carries medical supplies, uniforms, and miscellaneous items for medical care at home or in the field, and if they don’t currently have what you’re looking for, they can order it or inform you on where to find it. One satisfied customer wrote of Garrett’s Medical Supply, “I have been a customer of Garrett’s Medical Supply for 30 years. The excellent hometown family professionalism has not changed.” 2nd: Southeastern Medical Supply BEST WELLNESS STORE CHAMBERLIN’S NATURAL FOODS 1521 Bartow Rd, Lakeland (863) 687-8413 FB: Chamberlin’s Natural Foods IG @chamberlinsfl 4001 US Hwy 98 N, Lakeland (863) 815-0001 “Natural, wholesome, and trustworthy has always been our creed.” Chamberlain’s Natural Foods has provided thoughtfully selected, responsibly sourced food and products to their local Florida friends and neighbors since 1935. Their stores are a resource for all-natural vitamins and groceries, organic and local produce, cruelty-free cosmetics, organic pet food, and baby care. You’d be hardpressed to find a product with artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives on Chamberlin’s shelves. Plus, they believe in community involvement through partnering with local farms, helping local food outreach initiatives, and hosting community events. 2nd: Anthony’s Health Hut & Restaurant 3rd: Your CBD Store | SUNMED BEST PLACE OF WORSHIP TRINITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 301 N Florida Ave, Lakeland (863) 603-7777 FB: Trinity Presbyterian Church IG @trinitylakeland “As Trinity Presbyterian, we want to always clarify our vision – helping people grasp why we do what we do. We want to see our city reached with the love of Christ and to do that efficiently, we want to go where the people and culture are most concentrated.” The church, led by Pastor & Director of Church Planting Tim Rice, was planted in January 1997. One congregant wrote, “Absolutely adore this church and these people. I’ve sat on the pew all my life, but coming here was like hearing the gospel for the first time. Family, community, support, truth, Jesus -- this is what you’ll find at Trinity.” 2nd: Grace City Church 3rd: Access Church BEST FAMILY DOCTOR DR. CELESTINO VEGA LAKELAND REGIONAL HEALTH Lakeland Regional Health Auburndale Clinic 208 Main Street, Auburndale (863) 284-5000 FB: Lakeland Regional Health IG @lakelandregionalhealth Dr. Celestino Vega, a provider with Lakeland Regional Health, has been practicing Family Medicine since 1995. He attended medical school at Univercidad Central del Este, completed his residency at the University of Louisville, and is Board Certified with the American Board of Family Medicine. Working as a Family Medicine Physician in LRH’s Auburndale primary care location, Dr. Vega sees patients ages two years and older. He often works with families, treating multiple generations, which he says is special to him. Dr. Vega loves science and medicine and has a passion for helping others. His patient care philosophy is, “I believe prevention is the key to good health. We want to be proactive and not wait till there’s a problem. I aim to be compassionate and very caring with my patients.” Helping people apparently runs in the family as both of Dr. Vega’s children, who grew up in Polk County, are also pursuing medical careers. 2nd: Dr. Dannie Earl | Watson Clinic 3rd: Dr. Youssef Ghaly BEST PEDIATRICIAN DR. CYNTHIA H. HUTTO WATSON CLINIC SOUTH 1033 N. Parkway Frontage Rd., Lakeland 863-647-8012 FB @watsonclinicfl IG @watson_clinic Dr. Cynthia Hutto joined Watson Clinic in 1995, specializing in Pediatrics. She attended the University of South Florida College of Medicine for her MD and All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg for her residency. Dr. Hutto is a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Board of Pediatrics Certification. “Dr. Hutto has provided great care for all of our children for many, many years. She is great! Highly recommend!” wrote the parent of one of Dr. Hutto’s patients. 2nd: Dr. Sheena H. Tonkin | Watson Clinic 3rd: Dr. Raul Alvarez | Lakeland Regional Health BEST EYE SPECIALIST OR OPTOMETRIST EYE SPECIALISTS OF MID-FLORIDA, P.A. 3350 Harden Blvd, Lakeland (863) 662-3010 FB: Eye Specialists of Mid Florida PA IG @eyespecialistsmidfl 2004 CR 540 A, Lakeland (863) 937-4515 I would tell an ophthalmology joke, but they’re as cornea as it gets! What started as a modest ophthalmology/optometry practice in downtown Winter Haven in the early 1960s, Eye Specialists of Mid-Florida, P.A. has grown into multiple locations offering specialized treatment throughout Central Florida. You don’t need glasses to see what makes Eye Specialists of Mid-Florida the Best Of LKLD. They focus on personalized, high-quality eye care, including ophthalmology, optometry, glaucoma, LASIK, laser surgery, treatment of cataracts, and eyelid lifts. Additionally, they carry a full range of eyeglass lenses and frames, contact lenses, sunglasses, frame repair, and optical accessories. According to Eye Specialists of Mid Florida, “Our commitment has always been to put our patients first and to provide the level of care our patients deserve.” 2nd: MyEyeDr. 3rd: Eyes on Lakeland BEST ORTHOPEDIC DOCTOR DR. PHUC VO WATSON CLINIC Watson Clinic Main 1600 Lakeland Hills Blvd., Lakeland 863-680-7214 FB @watsonclinicfl IG @watson_clinic Dr. Phuc Vo specializes in Orthopaedic Surgery / Sports Medicine and joined Watson Clinic in 1994. Dr. Vo graduated from the University of Florida College of Medicine and did an internship, residency, and fellowship at the University of Florida and a fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania Sports Medicine Center. Dr. Vo has multiple professional activities and membership affiliations, including an American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery Certification; Subspecialty Certification in Orthopaedic Sports Medicine, Associate Professor of Orthopaedics, University of South Florida, Arthroscopy Association of North America, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, and Alpha Omega Alpha. 2nd: Dr. Renee Genova | Lakeland Regional Health 3rd: Center for Spinal Stenosis BEST OB-GYN DR. TAREK G. GARAS WATSON CLINIC Watson Clinic Bella Vista Building 1755 N Florida Ave, Lakeland (863) 680-7312 FB @watsonclinicfl IG @watson_clinic Dr. Tarek Garas is board-certified in OB-GYN and Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery (Urogynecology). He offers his services at Watson Clinic Bella Vista Building, and the Watson Clinic Bartow Building B. Dr. Garas specializes in general gynecology, advanced gynecologic surgery, bladder incontinence, bowel incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic pain, robotic surgery, and diVa® laser vaginal therapy. He received his medical degree from Creighton University of Medicine and then completed his internship and residency in obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital. Dr. Garas is a Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and a member of several prestigious medical organizations, including the American Urogynecologic Society, Physicians for Women’s Health, American College of Surgeons, Florida Obstetric and Gynecology Society, Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons and American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists. He is bilingual in English and Spanish. 2nd: Dr. Samantha J. Curtis | Watson Clinic 3rd: Dr. John R. Ellington, Jr. | Watson Clinic BEST PLASTIC SURGEON DR. FAEZA R. KAZMIER WATSON CLINIC Watson Clinic Women’s Center 1400 Lakeland Hills Blvd, Lakeland (863) 680-7676 FB @watsonclinicfl IG @watson_clinic Dr. Faeza R. Kazmier provides a variety of plastic surgery services ranging from cosmetic procedures to reconstructive care, from her office in Suite B at the Watson Clinic Women’s Center. Having completed dedicated training focused in plastic surgery, along with 18 years of experience, Dr. Kazmier seeks to help her patients achieve real, natural-looking results from head to toe. By seeking to understand her patient’s desired goals and utilizing advanced plastic surgery techniques, she designs personalized plans to achieve their plastic surgery goals. She received her medical degree from Albany Medical College and completed a general surgery internship and plastic surgery residency at the University of Missouri. She has authored or contributed to various medical publications and has received honors from the American College of Surgeons. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and was inducted into the Alpha Omega Alpha Honors Medical Society while at Albany Medical College. Dr. Kazmier, who is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons, is also an active member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 2nd: Dr. Jacob Gerzenshtein 3rd: Dr. J. Scott Ferguson | Watson Clinic BEST DENTIST OR ORTHODONTIST SCOTT ORTHODONTICS 5030 S Lakeland Dr, Lakeland (863) 709-1941 211 6th St SE, Winter Haven (863) 299-1261 FB @DrScottSmiles IG @scottortho Now here’s a win to smile about! Best Of LKLD voters trust their pearly whites to the Smile Specialists at Scott Orthodontics year after year. The board-certified orthodontists at Scott Orthodontics provide comprehensive orthodontic options for children, teens, and adults. They offer traditional metal or clear ceramic braces or more advanced appliances and braces like Invisalign, Damon Smile, Incognito hidden lingual braces, and In-Ovation C. One patient wrote, “Everyone in the offices are wonderful! Dr. Scott has the best bedside manner than any doctor I’ve ever come across. He is so gentle with my daughter and speaks to her and asks her questions (it is her orthodontic care after all). We have had a great experience so far.” 2nd: Dietrich & Kelso Orthodontics 3rd: Agnini Family Dental BEST CHIROPRACTOR CHEATWOOD CHIROPRACTIC 737 S Missouri Ave, Lakeland (863) 680-1064 FB: Cheatwood Chiropractic Offices PA “Our services aim to restore the body to its natural state of optimal health. We offer a wide range of specialized services, therapies, and techniques to make your journey to lasting wellness as efficient and effective as possible,” says Cheatwood Chiropractic. Extending compassionate, comprehensive care, the team at Cheatwood Chiropractic offers chiropractic care, therapeutic laser, acupuncture, massage therapy, corrective exercises, lifestyle counseling, and nutritional counseling. Patients rave about the friendly staff and excellent chiropractic care they receive from Dr. Cheatwood. 2nd: Love Chiropractic Center 3rd: The Lakeland Chiropractic Center BEST HOSPITAL LAKELAND REGIONAL HEALTH Multiple Locations FB: Lakeland Regional Health IG @lakelandregionalhealth Congratulations to Lakeland Regional Health on yet another year as the Best Hospital, according to our voters. The hospital has a history spanning back over 100 years and continues to strive to “deliver the best outcomes and safest care by placing people at the heart of all we do. We improve lives every day by promoting wellness, education, and discovery.” The LRH Physician Group has over 270 providers practicing in more than 40 specialties across 14+ locations. 2nd: AdventHealth BEST URGENT CARE WATSON CLINIC URGENT CARE MAIN 1600 Lakeland Hills Blvd, Lakeland (863) 680-7271 WATSON CLINIC URGENT CARE SOUTH 1033 North Parkway Frontage Road, Lakeland 863-647-4047 FB @watsonclinicfl IG @watson_clinic At Watson Clinic Urgent Care, “We Make You Feel Better Quicker.” When you need on-demand care for minor emergencies, illnesses, and accidents, you don’t have to go to the emergency room. Watson Clinic Urgent Care is fully staffed by board-certified specialists and highly trained care team members to treat earaches, minor cuts and fractures, upper respiratory infections, and more. No appointment is necessary, and new patients are welcome. Watson Clinic Urgent Care offers on-site x-ray, laboratory, CT, other diagnostic testing, and medical support from trained professionals. “It’s an appealing, lower-cost alternative to an emergency room.” 2nd: Lakeland Regional Medical Center Urgent Care 3rd: Baycare BEST REHABILITATION SERVICES BANNASCH INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED REHABILITATION MEDICINE LAKELAND REGIONAL HEALTH FB: Lakeland Regional Health IG @lakelandregionalhealth The Bannasch Institute for Advanced Rehabilitation Medicine is Polk County’s only CARF Accredited inpatient rehabilitation facility. Located at Lakeland Regional Health Medical Center, the Bannasch Institute was designed with input from industry experts, care providers, and community members to ensure accessible, coordinated, and cutting-edge services for patients and their families. Some special features of their inpatient facility include a 32-bed unit with all private patient rooms, a 2,300+ square foot physical therapy gym, a family area, and more. Lakeland Regional Health also offers outpatient rehabilitation services at their award-winning Grasslands Campus and North Lakeland YMCA. Their outpatient services are also home to one of Polk County’s only Pelvic Rehabilitation programs for men and women experiencing pelvic pain or urinary conditions. 2nd: Watson Clinic 3rd: CORA Physical Therapy BEST MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES LAKELAND REGIONAL HEALTH BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 3030 Harden Blvd, Lakeland (863) 687-1222 FB: Lakeland Regional Health IG @lakelandregionalhealth Lakeland Regional Health says, “If you or someone you know is dealing with a mental health or behavioral health issue, you are not alone. Over 20% of adults and 20% of children experience a mental illness in a given year.” Lakeland Regional Health offers comprehensive behavioral health care through both inpatient and outpatient services for adults, children, and adolescents. Their experienced psychiatrists, psychologists, advanced practitioners, nurses, and mental health professionals can provide care in person or via Telehealth. 2nd: Walk with Hope 3rd: Atala Counseling BEST DOGGY DAYCARE HOLLYWOOF PET RESORT 5845 Brannen Rd S, Lakeland (863) 644-8152 FB: Hollywoof Pet Resort IG @hollywoofpetresort Your dog is the celebrity of your house. Treat them like it! Hollywoof Pet Resort, formerly Sunny Days Pet Resort, was founded in 2001. “We are located in a quiet area away from traffic and residential areas, but still remain close to locations like the SPCA Adoption Center and S. Florida Avenue located in South Lakeland.” Under new ownership since 2019, Hollywoof continues to improve and expand their services, including boarding, grooming, and doggy daycare. “Every dog is different, and we do our best to adapt to each dog’s needs and behaviors to make their stay as comfortable as possible. Our resort is a safe environment where we do not overcrowd our playgroups, and we keep large dogs separated from small ones to ensure safety.” 2nd: Atta Boy! Animal Care 3rd: Parkway Pet Resort BEST DOG GROOMER HAPPY PAWS PET SPA 5131 Florida Ave S # 6, Lakeland (863) 644-4223 FB: Happy Paws Pet Spa IG @happy_paws_pet_spa When your pet starts looking ruff, it’s time for a puppy spa day at Happy Paws Pet Spa! They offer a full range of cat and dog grooming services, including bath, brush, gland expression, hair cutting, styling, nail trimming, and more. Happy Paws Pet Spa can also do specific breed haircuts and non-anesthetic dental cleaning for your pets. One dog mom says, “We have a husky, and she turned out beautiful when I picked her up from Happy Paws!! She is super fluffy & so soft and clean! It was a lot of hair that had to come off, and they did a fabulous job. Thank you!” 2nd: Lucky Puppy Nail Specialists 3rd: Doggie Divas Grooming Salon BEST VETERINARIAN SPCA FLORIDA MEDICAL CENTER 5850 Brannen Rd S, Lakeland (863) 646-7722 FB @SPCAFlorida IG @spca_florida Here’s to the best dog-tors around! Founded in 1979, SPCA Florida is an independent 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of pets and people in the community. They provide care, compassion, and hope to several thousand homeless pets every year. SPCA Florida’s Medical Center is an open-tothe-public, state-of-the-art veterinary facility that helps 20,000 patients annually, with thousands more served through community outreach and education programs. One review for the Medical Center reads, “We just rescued a Golden Retriever and took her in to get checked out. The staff was amazing. Made us and Berkley feel so comfortable. We will not go to any other vet but here.” 2nd: All Creatures Animal Hospital 3rd: Cleveland Heights Animal Hospital

  • LKLD Best of 2023 - Retail

    BEST CUSTOMER SERVICE PUBLIX FB @publix IG @publix The name Publix is synonymous with superior customer service, and that wasn’t by accident. “Throughout our history, our associates and customers have helped Publix grow from a single store into the largest employee-owned company in the United States,” says Publix. “We thank them by remaining deeply dedicated to customer service and community involvement, and being a great place to work.” Publix team members are always friendly and eager to help customers, creating a luxury grocery shopping experience. 2nd: Scout & Tag 3rd: (TIE) Amelia Paige Boutique 3rd: (TIE) Your CBD Store | SUNMED BEST CLOTHING BOUTIQUE AMELIA PAIGE BOUTIQUE 223 N Kentucky Ave, Lakeland (863) 500-4264 FB: Amelia Paige Boutique IG @ameliapaigeboutique Owner Alicia Lovett and her husband opened Amelia Paige Boutique in 2016. She writes, “I love our town and love having a place for you to come shop with your loved ones. Our family has poured so much love into this boutique, so we hope you love it as much as we do!” Amelia Paige offers on-trend finds to stock your closet, from tops, bottoms, dresses, and rompers, to jewelry, accessories, shoes, and gifts. One customer writes, “I absolutely love to browse through this store! Whoever the buyer is, does such a good job, and the decorator, maybe they’re the same, are so gifted. Every little vignette is so cute and fun. I love getting gifts there, and the clothes are darling. I will be back.” 2nd: Bungalow Boutique and Gifts 3rd: Plum Boutique BEST GIFT SHOP SCOUT & TAG 244 N Kentucky Ave, Lakeland (863) 225-2426 FB @scoutingVintage IG @scoutandtag This 3500-square-foot storefront offers plenty of locally-sourced Lakeland gifts. Scout & Tag has the cutest furnishings, decor, gifts, Lakeland-centric items, and Annie Sloan Chalk Paint products. Rafa Natural also has a space offering organic and natural skincare products inside Scout & Tag. After browsing Rafa’s delightful soaps and such, check out Scout & Tag’s offerings of seasonal items, custom pieces, apparel, accessories, bride and groom, baby items, pet items, furniture, home accents, drinkware, plants, books and paper goods, puzzles, trinkets, and more. 2nd: Bungalow Boutique and Gifts 3rd: Stationery Loft & Gift Boutique BEST JEWELER GAINES JEWELERS 112 S Tennessee Ave, Lakeland (863) 688-8557 FB: Gaines Jewelers IG @gaines_jewelers “Excellent jeweler, great custom, one-of-a-kind jewelry, and much more!” writes one Gaines Jewelers customer. This gem of a jewelry shop has been a Lakeland staple since 1935. It originally opened as a watch repair shop, but today offers an extensive selection of jewelry, bridal, and gifts for every occasion. In December 2017, Gina and Dean Saunders, both longtime Gaines customers, purchased the store. “Purchasing the store was [Gina’s] way of ‘celebrating every day’ - she loves and finds joy being a part of not only a legacy business but also being a part of all of our customers’ special moments to be celebrated.” 2nd: Munchel’s Fine Jewelry 3rd: (TIE) Foshee Jewelers 3rd: (TIE) Marshall Jewelers BEST ANTIQUE STORE JUNE TAYLOR 125 N Kentucky Ave #103, Lakeland (863) 331-5873 FB: June Taylor IG @junetaylorshop Looking for some abstract art to hang on your office wall or a new set of chairs to spruce up your living room? Check out,June Taylor! “Transitional design and pieces are what separate us. We’re not solely modern, mid-century, or antiques, but we like to mix the styles to create a unique store with a distinct look.” Owners Kelly and Bill work hard to find and restore an artful amalgamation of mid-century, boho, and classical pieces for their clients. One June Taylor patron said, “Kelly’s shop is amazing! Always full of thoughtfully picked items. We scored this beautiful bar hutch. Great shop to spend some time in. We will be back soon!” 2nd: Dixieland Relics 3rd: The Curated Collective BEST THRIFT STORE LIGHTHOUSE MINISTRIES THRIFT STORE 3111 US-98 S. Suite 130, Lakeland (863) 687-4076 ext. 256 FB: Lighthouse Ministries Lighthouse Ministries offers many noteworthy programs, including a Gospel Rescue Mission sheltering men, a residential Life Learning Program for men and women, outreach centers, and community homeless intervention. But it’s their thrift store getting the praise today. Lighthouse Ministries Thrift Store accepts donated goods like clothing, furniture, and household items and offers them at low prices. Proceeds help fund their resident interns who gain experience working there. 2nd: Top Buttons 3rd: The Salvation Army BEST PAWN SHOP WEST COAST PAWN & GUN OF LAKELAND, FLORIDA 5619 US Hwy 98 N, Lakeland (863) 816-5830 FB: WEST COAST PAWN West Coast Pawn & Gun is a family-owned business serving Lakeland since 2008. “We take pride in giving our customers excellent customer service while providing a relaxing atmosphere with an abundance of options.” One customer writes, “I have been doing business with West Coast Pawn for about 3 years now. They have great prices and very knowledgeable. I have been in a lot of gun shops and they like to speak down or act like you have no clue what you are talking about. If you are new to firearms and don’t want to deal with that environment I suggest going in and speaking with them. If I could give them more than a 5-star, I would! You guys have my business!” 2nd: Value Pawn & Jewelry 3rd: GC Pawn Lakeland BEST BIKE SHOP LEROY’S BIKEWORKS 6935 S Carter Rd #2, Lakeland (863) 937-9028 FB: LeRoy’s Bikeworks IG @leroysbikeworks For bikes, bike rentals, accessories, disc golf, service, and more, cycle down to LeRoy’s Bikeworks. Reviews laud LeRoy’s for friendly, expedient service and reasonable prices. One happy rider wrote, “Great shop, great service! My bike was in serious need of a tune-up and Mike did an excellent job getting it back in working condition. He even had it ready for me a day early. It rides better than ever. Definitely recommend!” 2nd: Bent’s Schwinn Cycling & Fitness 3rd: Trek Bicycle Lakeland BEST BOOK STORE PRESSED LKLD 213 E Bay St, Lakeland (863) 603-3166 FB @pressedlkld IG @pressedlkld You’d be hard ‘Pressed’ to find a better bookstore in the area. Independent bookstore and coffee shop, Pressed is a Best Of LKLD voter favorite! Christina and Paul Needham opened the downtown Lakeland bookstore two years ago as a “gathering space for people in our community to work, read, study, and engage in meaningful conversation.” After picking up an Ethos coffee, Honeycomb Bread Bakers, or Bandidas pastry from the bar, browse the Pressed curated selection of new and used books across genres. Book it over to the events tab on their website to see what’s happening at Pressed! 2nd: Books-A-Million 3rd: Little Bus Books BEST FURNITURE STORE BADCOCK HOME FURNITURE &MORE (Multiple locations) FB @badcockfurniture IG @badcockfurniture Check out Badcock’s selection of living room, dining room, and bedroom furniture, along with mattresses, appliances, electronics, and more. They even have financing options with affordable payment plans. Want a visual of what that new bedroom set might look like in your home? Badcock’s website offers a Room Planner where you first select the room that fits your home, style the space using the hundreds of Badcock items to choose from, and shop those items by checking out online or save it for in-store purchase. 2nd: June Taylor 3rd: Havertys Furniture BEST LAKELAND DOWNTOWN FARMERS CURB MARKET VENDOR BANDIDAS FB: Bandidas IG @bandidas_lkld Gabby and Gio are the oh-so-sweet couple behind this Lakeland pop-up cafe. According to Bandidas, “Connection is at the core of everything we do. Through the lens of food, we strive to create inclusive spaces where everyone is welcome. From pop-up markets to wholesale pastries, our menus are ever-evolving to highlight the seasons and our current inspirations.” Over savory empanadas and toothsome tres leches the Bandidas babes have cultivated a following that crave their craft kitchen fare. Visit this Lakeland Downtown Farmers Curb Market mainstay for some of the tastiest treats and best vibes around. (Pro tip, check out their online cake orders. I’m getting a guava and cream cheese layer cake for my birthday!) 2nd: Meraki Bakehouse 3rd: East of These

  • Haven Best of 2023 - Home Services

    BEST REALTOR ERIN FLOYD COLDWELL BANKER REALTY (863) 412-2286 FB: Erin Floyd - Coldwell Banker Realty - Winter Haven IG @erinfloydteam Florida native Erin Floyd lives in Lake Wales, where she is an active member of East Polk County Association of Realtors. She started her career in real estate in 2008 and according to Coldwell Banker, “Erin has an astute knowledge of the real estate markets with numerous career-long awards and achievements that verify her ambition and success. She is passionate to provide her clients with her utmost attention by listening and understanding their wants and needs, then helping them weigh their wish list with price point.” Clients make note of Floyd’s organization, responsiveness, professionalism, and overall effectiveness resulting in a seamless selling and buying process. 2nd: Jack Myers | Century 21 Myers Realty 3rd: April Spaulding | Keller Williams Realty Smart 1 BEST REALTY CO. CENTURY 21 MYERS REALTY 304 East Park St, Auburndale (863) 875-5656 FB: Century 21 Myers Realty IG @century21myersrealty CENTURY 21 Myers Realty is a full-service realty and property management company specializing in single-family and commercial properties, with offices in Winter Haven, Auburndale, and Haines City. Their mission statement reads in part, “Our strength is generated from our commitment to our clients, our investors, our people, our industry, and our community. We are fair, courteous, honest, and professional. We are sensitive to our clients’ needs and dedicated to their satisfaction.” 2nd: Keller Williams Realty Smart 1 3rd: Webb’s Realty BEST MORTGAGE BROKER HOME SOLUTION LENDERS, INC. 1445 E Main St, Bartow (863) 607-4663 FB @homesolutionlenders IG @hslenders Home sweet Home Solution Lenders! This Bartow-based company prides themselves on exceeding client expectations by closing loans promptly and efficiently. Founded in 2008, HSL serves the entire state of Florida and specializes in FHA, USDA, VA, Conventional, Construction, Florida Bond Programs, and Refinancing. They make the application process simple with options to apply securely online, over the phone, or in person. One client writes in part, “For anyone looking to work with true proven professionals that know exactly what they are doing based on experience and ethics, then I would recommend Home Solution Lenders. [...]” 2nd: Lori DeWitt | Movement Mortgage 3rd: Carlos Unzueta | Lifetime Mortgage Lending BEST AC REPAIR RIDGE ENERGY SAVERS 135 S Acuff Rd, Lake Wales (863) 676-2665 FB @RidgeEnergySavers Congrats to the coolest AC repair company around! Ridge Energy Savers, a second-generation family-owned and operated company, backs their residential and commercial HVAC services with 48 years of stand-out service. The NATE-certified team at Ridge Energy Savers is qualified as a Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer, ensuring proper HVAC design, installation, repair, and maintenance. Their extensive service menu includes heating, cooling, air quality, duct services, commercial refrigeration, and sheet metal fabrication. 2nd: Winter Haven Air Conditioning, Inc. 3rd: Refrigeration & Electric Service, Inc. BEST ELECTRICIAN KINCAID ELECTRICAL SERVICES 56 W. Central Ave, Lake Wales (863) 676-0198 FB @kincaidelectric Say watt?! Clients of Kincaid Electrical Services won’t be shocked to hear they won Best Electrician again this year. This family-owned and operated business was founded in 1973 by Alan Kincaid. Operating under a Master Florida Electrical License, most of Kincaid’s electricians have been with them for over twenty years. One five-star Kincaid review reads, “I needed my tankless water heater hooked up after replacing. I called and Chris Kincaid came out later that day. He walked me through all options and solutions and saved me quite a bit of money. I greatly appreciated the honesty and knowledge Chris showed. They did the repairs within a couple of hours and [were] very reasonably priced. I will definitely use them again!” 2nd: Cassady Electric, Inc. 3rd: Top Flight Electric BEST PLUMBING CO. CYPRESS PLUMBING INC. 1776 Executive Rd, Winter Haven (863) 294-7319 FB: Cypress Plumbing Inc. We were totally ‘drained’ after counting the number of votes for Cypress Plumbing! This repeat Best Of Haven winner has served Polk County for nearly 40 years, offering drain cleaning, plumbing installation, plumbing repairs, water heaters, and backflow testing. They can fix a leaky faucet or mystery clog any time of day or night with their 24-hour emergency service. Cypress Plumbing also has warranties available and offers senior discounts. Noting their professionalism, punctuality, quality, value, and responsiveness in a five-star review, one customer called them the “Best plumber I’ve used in this area in over 20 years.” 2nd: Sun State Plumbing 3rd: Daughtry Plumbing BEST ROOFING CO. RIG ROOFING 2001 Havendale Blvd NW, Winter Haven (863) 294-4477 FB: RIG Roofing IG @rigroofing Results. Integrity. Grounded. Your shingle best roofer is at it again! This locally owned, award-winning roofing contractor serves residential and commercial customers across Polk, Hillsborough, Orange, Lake, and Osceola counties. One customer gave them five stars, saying, “We are so happy with our new roof. They had the best price and the best warranty out of all the companies that provided estimates. I am still shocked by how quickly they were able to get everything completed! They did a fantastic job and provided excellent customer service. I would absolutely recommend them for a roof replacement!” 2nd: EZ Roofing Systems 3rd: WCM Construction & Roofing, LLC BEST PATIO SCREENING CO. MID-FLORIDA ALUMINUM & RESCREENS (863) 289-2368 FB @Midfloridaaluminumrescreens Mid-Florida Aluminum & Rescreens is a Licensed and Insured full-service aluminum, vinyl, and screen company specializing in screen rooms, seamless gutter, vinyl siding, soffit fascia, and more. Based out of Polk County and serving all of Central Florida, Mid-Florida Aluminum is a certified dealer for LifeStyle Screens, Mystic Motorized Screens, Genius Retractable, & Rollaround Screens. This allows them to offer more than the standard type of screen enclosure for any home or business. Call or message them for more information and a free quote today! 2nd: Pool Screens R Us 3rd: D.C. Screen & Aluminum BEST TREE TRIMMING CO. DURHAM’S TREE SERVICE (863) 557-9416 FB: Durham’s Tree Service Durham’s Tree Service cut off the competition this year! They offer safe tree removal and free estimates. Services include stump grinding and stump, close-quarter tree, dead tree, and storm debris removal. Durham’s team is fully insured and covered for worker’s compensation, and they use the latest techniques and proven equipment. One client wrote, “Excellent service. On time, reasonable in cost and had the right equipment and manpower to do the job safely. Removed three large Queen Palms next to house and ground out stumps. Also removed several large branches in rear overhanging the house. No damage to property and left property like before work was started. Excellent crew. Will use again without question if need arises.” 2nd: Monkey Business Tree & Crane Service 3rd: The Tree Lady Company BEST LAWN SERVICE OR LANDSCAPING BLACKBURN & SONS LAWN CARE (863) 324-9104 FB: Blackburn & Sons Lawn Care Lawn care you can count on! The grass is greener with Blackburn & Sons Lawn Care. They offer tree and bush removal, gutter cleaning, clean up, moving, and mulch. One customer wrote, “Blackburn & Sons have been amazing to work with! They were able to get me on their schedule in a timely manner. The lawn at our rental property had become a little unruly as we flip between tenants. John took the time and got the yard looking amazing! Already have him scheduled to return in 2 weeks!” 2nd: Viking Lawn Care and Irrigation, LLC 3rd: C-Jones Lawn and Tree BEST DOCK CONSTRUCTION LARRY GOHN MARINE CONSTRUCTION 2215 Ave C NW, Winter Haven (863) 412-0292 FB: Larry Gohn’s Marine Construction Way to go, Larry, you really docked it out of the park! Backed by 20 years of experience, Larry Gohn Marine Construction designs and constructs custom outdoor living spaces tailored to their client’s needs. They utilize various materials, including No. 1 Grade pressure-treated yellow pine, aluminum, composite decking, plastic and vinyl, and different premium lumbers to withstand the Florida elements. In addition to their unique designs, Larry Gohn stocks the latest available decking products and accessories. 2nd: EMC Docks 3rd: Don B Construction BEST POOL CONSTRUCTION RODEN POOL CONTRACTING 3500 Cypress Gardens Rd, Winter Haven (863) 299-2828 FB: Roden Pool Contracting Look who’s making a splash in Best Of Haven this year! That backyard oasis could be yours with Roden Pool Contracting. Roden says, “We’ve built our reputation on integrity, quality, and outstanding customer service.” This licensed, bonded, and insured swimming pool and spa builder specializes in pool remodeling and pool resurfacing. Customers laud Roden’s quality and professionalism, with one happy swimmer noting, “Roden Pools did a phenomenal job with our new pool construction. They came with great personal recommendations, and we were not disappointed. Robbie is great, and his employees and contractors all do fantastic work. Would absolutely recommend. They’ll build you a beautiful pool!” 2nd: Mike Dean Pools, Inc. 3rd: Mannix Pools and Grills BEST POOL SERVICE CO. PINCH A PENNY Multiple Locations FB @PinchAPennyPool IG @pinchapennypool There’s no reason to dip into your savings when you just want to take a dip in your pool. The cannonball king of the summer goes to Pinch A Penny for the pool service value they provide to Polk County customers. ‘The perfect people for the perfect pool’ offer pool cleaning and maintenance, equipment installation and repair, renovations, acid washing and stain treatment, and leak detection and repair. 2nd: Mannix Pools and Grills 3rd: Pool Works BEST PEST CONTROL COUNTRY BOY PEST CONTROL LLC. 2103 K-Ville Ave, Auburndale (863) 356-1616 FB: Country Boy Pest Control LLC Are bugs bugging you at home or work? You need a country boy for that – actually, Country Boy Pest Control. This lawn care and pest control company out of Auburndale provides comprehensive residential and commercial pest control and lawn management services across Polk and Highlands Counties. Country Boy Pest Control started in 1990 and today employs a staff of 15 full-time technicians trained and licensed with the State of Florida to handle any pesky pests. “Country Boy has gone above and beyond to help handle our ant problem. The service is impeccable, I felt safe and comfortable letting them into my home. They stand by what they say and have truly handled our ant problem since day 1. We will never use another company. 10/10 recommend Country Boy pest control!!!” raves one customer. 2nd: Rayburn 3rd: Massey Services Pest Control BEST FENCING CO. WALKER’S FENCE CO 1028 U.S. 92 West, 1008 US-92, Auburndale (863) 967-7748 No o-fence to the competition, but Walker’s does it better, according to Best Of Haven voters. Since 1985, Walker’s has offered personalized service and friendly experts to discuss your fencing ideas and help you choose the right products for your property and budget. Locally owned and operated, Walker’s Fence Co. offers the best selection of wholesale fencing and free estimates on all new installations. 2nd: Fence Central 3rd: Superior Fence & Rail BEST CONTRACTOR OR CONSTRUCTION CO. ALAN L. ULCH, INC. 343 Ave C SW, Winter Haven (863) 294-7240 FB: Alan L Ulch, Inc. Want to hear a construction joke? Hold on, I’m still working on it. Established in 1971, Alan L. Ulch Inc. entered the commercial market in 1974, building establishments for Burger King, Ponderosa, and Steak & Shake. Today, Alan L. Ulch, Inc. offers commercial, residential and industrial construction, pre-engineered metal buildings, design build services, construction management, industrial maintenance, kitchen and bath design services, remodel and renovation, and historical renovation. 2nd: Whitehead Construction 3rd: WCM Construction & Roofing, LLC BEST RETIREMENT COMMUNITY LAKE ASHTON 4140 Ashton Club Dr, Lake Wales 1(866)-525-3274 FB: Lake Ashton “Never before has elegance and value been so perfectly defined in a master-planned, active adult community. Lake Ashton sets the standards of excellence in design, construction, amenities, lifestyle, location, security, and affordability for Florida retirement communities.” This premier community is set on over 1,200 acres, including three lakes and nature preserves. Lake Ashton’s vast list of amenities and activities includes a 26,000-square-foot clubhouse, 24-hour manned gatehouses, sauna, movie theater, bowling alley, library, 30,000 square foot health and fitness center, lighted tennis, shuffle and bocce ball courts, life-sized chess, and two 18-hole golf courses – just to name a few. 2nd: Lake Howard Heights 3rd: Four Lakes BEST HOTEL HAMPTON INN WINTER HAVEN 202 Cypress Gardens Boulevard, Winter Haven (863) 299-9251 FB @hamptonbyhilton IG @hamptonbyhilton Located just a half-mile from Lake Lulu, Hampton Inn Winter Haven is central to LEGOLAND Florida Resort and 45 minutes away from Orlando International Airport and Tampa International Airport. This hotel has a desirable list of amenities, including connecting rooms, complimentary hot breakfast, free parking, free wifi, non-smoking rooms, a digital key, an outdoor pool, a fitness center, pet-friendly rooms, and a business center. Giving Hampton Inn Winter Haven five stars, one guest writes, “Great hotel stay. The room was clean & organized nicely. The staff were very friendly & accommodating. The complimentary breakfast was plentiful and huge. Very good! The place was quiet despite being pretty booked, which means good sound dampening between rooms. I would stay again.” 2nd: Courtyard by Marriott Winter Haven 3rd: LEGOLAND Resort Hotel BEST APARTMENT COMMUNITY CARLTON ARMS OF WINTER HAVEN 7676 Carlton Arms Blvd, Winter Haven (863) 875-1700 FB: Carlton Arms of Winter Haven Lakefront views, a fitness center, lakeside pools, pet-friendly, 24/7 emergency maintenance – what more could you want in an apartment community? This repeat Best Of Haven winner is located on 122 acres of wooded lakefront property with 23 floor plans to fit residents’ needs. Described as a “resort-style community,” Carlton Arms of Winter Haven apartment features include valet trash removal, high-speed internet access, and private patios/ balconies. Community residents enjoy the luxuries of two lakeside pools, a heated pool, a social lounge, a car care center, and more! 2nd: RainGarden Apartments 3rd: 20 on Second Apartments BEST CLEANING CO. ORCHID CLEANING SERVICE 5820 K-Ville Ave, Winter Haven (863) 324-2000 FB @orchidcleaningservice Orchid Cleaning Service is mopping the floor with their competition! Could your home or office use a one-time deep clean or maybe a regular refresh? Orchid Cleaning Service offers residential/ home, construction, commercial, move-in/ out, and vacation home cleaning. Clients often remark on their professionalism, punctuality, quality, and value, with one happy customer reviewing, “I’ve used other cleaning companies, but Orchid is by far the best! Every cleaner I’ve had does a great job and pays close attention to detail. They are also very responsive.” 2nd: Inspection Ready Enterprises 3rd: Whittaker’s Cleaning BEST STORAGE FACILITY THE EXTRA CLOSET 231 5th St SW, Winter Haven (863) 877-1876 FB @ExtraCloset Saddled down with too much stuff? Get an Extra Closet! Secure and centrally located, The Extra Closet is a Best Of Haven voter favorite year after year. They offer short- and long-term storage with affordable prices for climate-controlled units, vehicle, boat, and RV storage. They even provide portable storage solutions which allow customers to pack a unit that the Extra Closet drops off wherever you are. Then, they’ll pick it up and store it at their facility. Extra Closet clients rave about their cleanliness, reasonable prices, and customer service. 2nd: A+ Storage 3rd: Century Storage

  • LKLD Best of 2023- Arts & Entertainment

    BEST PARK BONNET SPRINGS PARK 400 Bonnet Springs Boulevard, Lakeland (863) 732-7000 FB: Bonnet Springs Park IG @bonnetspringspark Bonnet Springs Park rests on 168 acres of repurposed land near downtown that once helped Lakeland thrive. “Bonnet Springs Park is a place within walking distance to our city’s urban core where art, recreation, fun, and tranquility intersect by design. This blended urban/natural park provides spaces to escape, engage, and explore with one another and with nature while experiencing and learning about the extraordinary history of Central Florida.” The park features a Welcome Center with a gift shop, history gallery, and coffee shop, Heritage Gardens, the Florida Children’s Museum, the Depot Cafe, a family lawn, playground, botanical gardens, butterfly house, nature center, tree house, canopy walk, and more. 2nd: Common Ground Playground 3rd: Barnett Family Park BEST DATE NIGHT THE JOINERY 640 E Main St, Lakeland (863) 808-4025 FB: The Joinery IG @thejoinerylkld Food, drinks, flowers – everything you need for the perfect date night! The Joinery is a modern food hall and craft brewery on the banks of Lake Mirror. Their selection of vendors suits any craving and can make a date night compromise easy to reach. You get pizza, and I’ll get ramen! Currently filling the food hall are Ato sushi burritos and poke bowls, Ava Neapolitan wood-fired pizza, Gallito Taqueria, Sabu ramen, Blue Dog Craft Barbeque, Super Duper Spot badass burgers, and Mayday Ice Cream. Grab a craft cocktail at the bar and a funky fresh bloom from Bloom Shakalaka for your sweetheart on the way out! 2nd: Silver Moon Drive-In Theatre 3rd: Rec Room BEST GOLF COURSE CLEVELAND HEIGHTS GOLF COURSE 2900 Buckingham Ave, Lakeland (863) 834-2377 FB: The Heights At The Cleveland Heights Golf Course Hole in one for Cleveland Heights Golf Course! This 27-hole municipal facility is open to the public and boasts a full-service Pro Shop, golf instruction, practice areas, and a restaurant. They also have a full driving range with small, medium, or large buckets available for purchase. Green fees vary according to the season, but annual memberships are available. After playing a few rounds, stop in for some chicken wings or shepherd’s pie at 1916 Irish Pub located at Cleveland Heights Golf Course. 2nd: Lone Palm Golf Club 3rd: The Club at Eaglebrooke BEST DANCE STUDIO ULTIMATE DANCE CENTER 2980 Lakeland Highlands Rd, Lakeland (863) 333-0567 FB: Ultimate Dance Center IG @udclakeland Ultimate Dance Center (UDC) is Polk County’s elite dance center. They offer dance education for all ages and all levels. Offering a variety of dance styles, students can learn in their state-of-the-art dance studio in the heart of Lakeland. The classes at UDC deliver a dance experience with staff and instructors emphasizing technique. “There are opportunities for those dancers who want to be professional dancers to perfect their current skills and acquire new ones,” says UDC. They offer homeschool, special needs, and toddler options too! Ultimate Dance Center has a World Dance Championship nationally ranked competition dance team and in-house non-profit contemporary dance company called FrediDance Project. One parent writes, “Quite the brilliant school for my kid. Talent, inclusivity, diversity, and a true sense of belonging. Lucky to have found them in town.” 2nd: Tammy’s Dance Company 3rd: Just Dance Academy of Dance & Etiquette BEST LIVE MUSIC VENUE UNION HALL 1023 Florida Ave S, Lakeland (863) 288-0372 FB @unionhallevents IG @unionhallevents Union Hall is an intimate Dixieland listening room with lofty ceilings, exposed terracotta brick from the 1920s, art deco accents, and concrete bar tops. Grab a cocktail at the bar and enjoy the show or book the space in advance for a private event. One Union Hall patron wrote, “The perfect place in Lakeland for Private events and live music! They also have Karaoke on Wednesday nights. The outdoor patio is perfect for hanging out and eating. The staff here is amazing.” Check out their website to see what bands are coming to Union Hall next. 2nd: Swan Brewing 3rd: The Yard On Mass BEST ANNUAL COMMUNITY EVENT MAYFAIRE BY-THE-LAKE Established in 1971 as a small crafts fair on the lawn of the Lakeland Public Library, Mayfaire by-the-Lake has become one of Florida’s largest and most celebrated annual outdoor art festivals. It is presented on Mother’s Day weekend every year and features more than 150 artist booths on the shores of Lake Morton. Artist tents feature jewelers, clay artists, painters, and photographers displaying their creations. One of the oldest arts festivals in Central Florida, Mayfaire has been ranked among Sunshine Artist Magazine’s “200 Best Art Shows” for ten years in a row. 2nd: (TIE) Lakeland Christmas Parade 2nd: (TIE) Pride in the Park 3rd: Art Crawl BEST MUSEUM POLK MUSEUM OF ART AT FLORIDA SOUTHERN COLLEGE 800 E Palmetto St, Lakeland (863) 688-7743 FB: Polk Museum of Art IG @polkmuseumofart Some 140,000 visitors come to the Polk Museum of Art annually. Admission to the Museum is free and exhibits typically change every few months. PMA patrons can enjoy their diverse collection of more than 2,800 objects with a focus on collecting and exhibiting contemporary art, Asian art, Pre-Columbian art, African art, and decorative art. Some exhibitions are from their collection, but many are from local, nationally, and internationally known artists such as Pablo Picasso, Albert Paley, Miriam Schapiro, Donald Sultan, James Rosenquist, Andy Warhol, and many others. In 2022, the Museum announced plans for a $6 million expansion and renovation project slated for completion in the summer of 2024. 2nd: Florida Children’s Museum 3rd: Polk County History Center BEST MURAL LET’S RIDE BY GILLIAN FAZIO 1066 S Florida Ave, Lakeland (located at Bent’s Schwinn Cycling & Fitness) FB: Gillian Fazio Art IG @gfazioart This vibrant mural depicts a penny farthing bicycle with colorful foliage, flowers, and a butterfly bursting through the spokes, preceded by floral encased letters reading Let’s Ride. Fazio’s talent can be seen in other colorful, nature-inspired pieces around Polk County, like the CREATE mural at Catapult or the oranges and butterflies in Slice of Happiness in Lake Wales. A Lakeland native, Fazio graduated Magna Cum Laude with a bachelor’s degree in fine arts from the University of Florida in 2017. Fazio has painted over 20 murals across Central Florida from Tampa to Anna Maria Island and specializes in “murals that are interactive, engaging, colorful & uplifting, used for countless photoshoots and beautification across the country.” 2nd: CREATE at Catapult by Gillian Fazio 3rd: Angel Wing Selfie Wall by Aaron M. Corbitt BEST VISUAL ARTIST BUMP GALLETTA FB: Bump Galletta IG @bumpgalletta Bump just can’t be beat! A repeat Best Visual Artist winner, Josh “Bump” Galletta is a Lakeland-based commercial artist and illustrator. “I specialize in creating dynamic designs with an organic feel,” says Galletta. “I don’t wear a suit and tie to work; I roll up my sleeves and get down with paper.” His cool black and white style can be seen on t-shirts and living room walls across Polk County (and beyond). In November 2020, Galletta and Ida Mundell released their Swan City picture book, “Goodnight Lakeland.” In addition to his personal work and commissions, Bump has created for brands like Starbucks, Swan Brewing, Top Buttons, Haus 820, Smoothie King, and many more. 2nd: Sara Savannah Jones 3rd: Scott Audette BEST BAND THESE TIMES Spotify @thesetimes FB: These Times IG @thesetimesfl These Times is a Florida heavy-hearted pop punk band formed in 2015. Current members include Skully Scott on vocals, Kurt Montroy on rhythm guitar/ backing vocals, Chris Olivares on drums/ vocals, Josh Hannah on bass/ backing vocals, and Evan Dyer on lead guitar/ backing vocals. Check out their easycore music on Spotify and follow their social media to see where they’ll play next! 2nd: Smokepoint 3rd: Gary Love and the Moonlighters BEST DRAG QUEEN MOMMA ASHLEY ROSE FB: Rose Dynasty Foundation Inc. IG @rosedynastyfoundation Congrats to one of our favorite queens! Momma Ashley Rose is a fabulous and philanthropic drag performer spreading the message that all are “loved, accepted, and wanted.” Along with her husband, Scott DeShazo, Momma Ashley Rose founded the Rose Dynasty Foundation, which has helped to raise thousands of dollars for charities, community outreaches, and non-profits through drag, dinner, brunch, children’s events, and variety shows. Momma’s mission is to “provide a safe and family-friendly atmosphere for all people no matter their gender, race, sexual orientation, and/or religion, through mentoring, fundraising, fostering community, and promoting awareness of resources.” 2nd: Kathryn Nevets 3rd: Marina Maroney BEST LOCAL MAKER MAMACITA LIFESTYLE CO. IG @mamacita.lifestyleco This Latina and mama-owned Central Florida pop-clothing boutique makes super cute ‘Spanglish’ tees. The Mamacita herself, Jessica Ferguson, told LKLDlense that when she started her brand, she wanted it to be “fun, bold, and rich in Latin pride/culture.” Her on-trend bright tees don phrases like “Barbicita,” “Necesito Cafecito,” and “Muy Festive” for the holidays. She told LKLDlense, “The name itself has everything to do with who I am as a Latina mama who is wholeheartedly so proud of her motherhood journey and beautiful Latin heritage. I believe the combination of all these factors is what sets the brand apart.” 2nd: Swan City Ceramics 3rd: Jaime Jay Handmade BEST HIDDEN GEM IN POLK COUNTY ART CENTRIC STUDIO 1035 Florida Ave S #180, Lakeland (407) 489-0179 FB: Art Centric Studio IG @artcentricstudio Art Centric is a cozy art studio in the heart of Dixieland. ACSI-certified art teacher Mrs. Becky started this hidden gem in 2015. The space is a studio for children of all ages in Lakeland, providing authentic opportunities to make and create. Art Centric boasts a stunning studio space with plenty of natural light and large open tables. “Through the step-by-step process of exploring materials, building skills, making mistakes, and creating solutions, you and your child will be taught to work and think like an artist.” Art Centric offers a variety of classes for all ages, homeschool classes, After School ArT, and KiDz NiGhT OuT. The owner “loves art in all its forms and has a growing passion to share it with others. She is excited to encourage creativity at Art Centric Studio and looks forward to seeing you soon!” 2nd: Rose Dynasty Foundation Fundraising Events 3rd: Quinteassence Kava Bar

  • Haven Best of 2023 - Pro Services

    BEST FLORIST LASATER FLOWERS 254 W Central Ave Ste A, Winter Haven (863) 294-3213 FB @lasaterflowers IG @lasaterflowers Lasater, if you were a flower, we’d pick you! “Want to make a great impression? We can arrange that!” This flower power boutique floral design studio, established in 1958, offers arrangements for every occasion with a freshness guarantee. Lasater Flowers also extends gift sets, seasonal blooms, and subscriptions with personalized plans to fit your style, budget, and delivery frequency. A Lasater Flowers customer raved, “Lasater Flowers has yet again exceeded my expectations. I know I can always count on them to create the most beautiful arrangements. I know I can always put my full trust in letting them create a one-of-a-kind arrangement and this last one is no exception. I will always order from them and will always recommend anyone else too.” 2nd: Golden Petal Designs 3rd: Pretty Odd Flower Cart BEST WEDDING VENUE VENUE 650 650 6th St SW, Winter Haven (863) 287-3814 FB @venue650 IG @venue650 Industrial and elegant, Venue 650 is Winter Haven’s premier wedding venue and a Best Of Haven voter favorite. Its lofty ceilings, sprawling windows, and adjoining open-sky courtyard visually lend even more space to the building’s 10,500 square feet. The versatile event venue, with exposed brick walls and concrete floor, can see any event vision realized and comfortably accommodate up to 400 guests. Additional Venue 650 features include high-speed internet, ample well-lit parking, a catering kitchen, and dressing suites. One Venue 650 testimonial reads, “I had my wedding here in March 2023. It was truly the best day ever. The staff at Venue 650 were always very responsive to emails and questions, friendly on the tour, and did wonders on the day of! I provided a floor plan and they had set up the room exactly how I envisioned. They even left us a gift in the bridal suite!” 2nd: Adams Estate 3rd: Bok Tower Gardens BEST PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER MIKE POTTHAST POTTHAST STUDIOS 234 W Central Ave, Winter Haven (863) 294-4920 FB: Potthast Studios IG @potthaststudios Mike Potthast and his team offer professional photography services, including portraits, commercial photography, video production, photo restorations, digitizing services, passport photos, and photography classes in his spacious Central Avenue studio. According to Potthast Studios, “Putting together a great photo shoot is about much more than just lights, camera, action. We understand it takes coordination, communication, talented design, and styling before the shoot, and talent behind the camera, to make it all come together.” One five-star review confirms their commitment to exceptional photography: “Mike is an awesome, talented photographer. He has taken my last 4 professional headshots, and all have been great. I highly recommend Mike for all your photography needs.” 2nd: Gonzalez Lugo Photography, LLC 3rd: April Spaulding Photography BEST EVENT ENTERTAINMENT NEXT LEVEL ENTERTAINMENT LLC 770 Ave B SW, Winter Haven (727) 614-3652 FB @nextlevelent1djs This DJ service will have everybody on the dance floor at your upcoming wedding, birthday, or corporate party. They can take your party to the next level with a photo booth, lighting, and special effects. DJ Melvin’s clients continually sing his praises, like this five-star review reading, “We had our daughters quince this past Saturday. Melvin helped us so much in keeping order and structure with ceremonies and his introductions were very special. Melvin took time to make sure that all my requests were discussed and secured before the party. He helped to move through any schedule issues we had and fix them. Thank you Next Level Entertainment for making our girl’s special day spectacular!” 2nd: Triviosity Live Events 3rd: Dream Chaser Events FUNERAL SERVICES OAK RIDGE FUNERAL CARE 2425 Havendale Blvd NW, Winter Haven (863) 216-2669 1001 E Grace Ave, Haines City (863) 215-6929 FB: Oak Ridge Funeral Care Oak Ridge Funeral Care has served the Haines City and Winter Haven communities since 1933. Ninety years later, they continue to provide professional and compassionate care to families. Services include life celebrations, burial services, cremation, veteran services, shipping, and pre-planning. Oak Ridge Funeral Care offers tailored services to accommodate your preference. “A meaningful and beautiful service is a powerful experience that celebrates your loved one’s life while serving as an important step in the grieving process. When it comes to planning, you can trust us to respect your wishes and design a service that feels special.” 2nd: Marion Nelson Funeral Home & Crematory 3rd: Kersey Funeral Home BEST DRY CLEANER TOP HAT CLEANERS LAUNDRY CENTER 150 2nd St NW Winter Haven (863) 293-2627 A tip of the hat to Top Hat Cleaners for another year atop the Best Dry Cleaner category! This top tier dry cleaner owned and operated by Michelle Womble offers over 20 years of clean laundry backing up their good reputation. With convenient locations and eco-friendly GreenEarth technology, what’s not to love? According to Top Hat Cleaners, “Our friendly staff takes particular care with each and every order and proudly provides customers with professional workmanship.” 2nd: Dry Clean America 3rd: Executive Dry Cleaners BEST AUTO REPAIR STEWART AUTO REPAIR 1990 42nd St NW, Winter Haven (863) 965-2526 FB @stewartautorepair IG @stewartautorepair Phantom squeak in your car? Check engine light haunting you? Who you gonna call? Stewart Auto! Since 1998 Stewart Auto Repair has been servicing a wide range of makes and models for their Central Florida customers. Their skilled service technicians use quality parts to repair collision and auto body damage and back up their work with warranty. Stewart even invests in the latest auto repair tools and diagnostic software specifically tailored to your vehicle’s software. One customer wrote, “They got me in same day on short notice, figured out my problem, fixed it, and had me out in no time! They kept me updated with what was going on as well. All the staff are super nice! Also another plus, they have a play area with toys for kids! Was a huge help with my little one, she played the whole time! Highly recommend!!” 2nd: Johnny’s Auto 3rd: Tuffy Tires BEST AUTO DEALER LOW PAYMENT KINGS Locations in Winter Haven, Lake Wales, Davenport FB: Low Payment Kings IG: lowpaymentking The Low Payment Kings reign supreme in this year’s Best Auto Dealer category! Since 1966, their mission has been to exceed expectations with excellent customer service, the best products and services, and to save customers money on all their automotive needs. The Low Payment Kings help drivers find the vehicle of their dreams across their seven convenient locations. One Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram of Winter Haven customer writes in part, “Absolutely great service every time I lease or purchase a car there. From my salesman, management and finance start to finish was fantastic! I’m on my third car from there and I don’t plan on leaving. [...]” 2nd: Huston Cadillac Buick GMC 3rd: Hill Nissan BEST CAR WASH MISTER CAR WASH Multiple Locations FB: Mister Car Wash IG @mistercarwashhq Mister Car Wash – “Inspiring people to shine!” Since opening their first Houston, Texas location in 1969, Mister Car Wash has become a premier car wash company, committed to offering customers a clean, dry, shiny car every time using their patented Unity Chemistry system. Whether you’re looking for a single wash or to become a member of the Ultimate Wash Club, Mister Car Wash’s team members are committed to a quality experience. One Mister Car Wash Cypress Gardens location customer wrote, “Great car wash, staff are friendly and they pay attention to detail. They even have free vacuums.” 2nd: Pat’s Car Wash 3rd: Radiant Express Car Wash BEST RV DEALER CAMPING WORLD 7400 E State Rd 60, Bartow (866) 906-9517 FB: Camping World IG @campingworld Camping World is the nation’s largest retailer of RVs, RV accessories, and RV-related services, with over 185 Camping World SuperCenters nationwide. Not only do they offer a full-service call center, but their comprehensive website also features thousands of quality products for RVs, camping, towing, and outdoor living. One Bartow Camping World customer raved, “Super experience in all respects! Staff is friendly, knowledgeable & ready to serve your needs. I purchased a new premium camper & the selection process was facilitated by Rhonda, a great sales associate. Took delivery today and am looking forward to my first expedition!” 2nd: Ridge Quality Motors 3rd: Winter Haven RV BEST RV PARK CAMP MARGARITAVILLE AUBURNDALE 361 Denton Ave, Auburndale (863) 455-7335 FB: Camp Margaritaville Auburndale IG @campmargaritavilleauburndale Chill at Camp Margaritaville! This Auburndale luxury RV resort offers 326 RV sites, including 11 Super Premium RV Sites, along with 75 Cabana Cabins. Guests can enjoy a tiki bar, fire pits, resort pool, entertainment stage, playground, dog parks, and putting course, or plan a day with the crew hiking, biking, or sightseeing. One happy camper noted, “First time stay and will definitely come back! The resort is very clean and organized. The staff is friendly, helpful and FUN! There are plenty of activities all day long for kids and adults! Our boys loved Gaga ball! Our adult group loved the License to Chill bar and Name That Tune! Our dogs loved the dog park!! Thank you for a great ending to our summer!!” 2nd: Southern Pines Resort 3rd: Cypress Campground & RV Park BEST POWERSPORTS DEALER MCKIBBEN POWERSPORTS LAKE WALES 20769 US Hwy 27, Lake Wales (863) 676-2245 FB: McKibben Powersports of Lake Wales IG @mckibben_ps_lw Pssst. Want a jetski? I know a guy. This Lake Wales powersports dealer offers a diverse range of powersports vehicles, including ATVs, personal watercraft, scooters, UTVs, and more. Their authorized dealer status for many top brands means McKibben customers can be confident in the product quality they offer. “For over 30 years, we’ve been the trusted source for powersports enthusiasts in Central Florida, and we’re proud of the reputation we’ve built,” notes McKibben Powersports. Stop by their sprawling showroom to check out a selection of powersports vehicles, OEM parts, and accessories. Plus, McKibben’s service department is staffed by certified technicians who are trained to handle all aspects of vehicle maintenance and repair. 2nd: Sky Powersports 3rd: Cyclemycle’s Motorcycle Shop BEST OIL CHANGE TAKE 5 OIL CHANGE 1530 1st St S, Winter Haven (863) 658-6075 FB @Take5OilChange IG @take5oilchange Take 5 Oil Change, home of “the quickest oil change in Winter Haven,” offers a drive-thru 10-minute oil change service with no appointment necessary. Just pick your oil from the technicians’ options, sit back, and relax while expert technicians change your oil and filter, replenish under-hood fluids, and check your air filter and wiper blades. One customer’s five-star review reads in part, “The perfect oil change from the comfort of your car. I really enjoyed the experience and the efficiency and professionalism of a clearly well-tuned process.” 2nd: Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Center 3rd: Johnny’s Automotive FINANCIAL ADVISOR AUSTIN THARP AVENTAIL WEALTH MANAGEMENT 353 Ave C SW, Winter Haven (863) 333-1927 FB: Aventail Wealth Management, LLC Making money moves? Austin Tharp is your guy. Tharp is Vice President & Investment Adviser Representative for Aventail Wealth Management. He joined the firm in 2016 and prides himself “in always giving his clients the highest level of service in a very personal way.” Tharp is heavily involved in his community, serving on nonprofit boards, including Main Street Winter Haven and The Historic Ritz Theatre. One client wrote of Tharp, “Austin is an absolute pleasure to deal with, very responsive and is always happy to discuss questions or concerns.” 2nd: Michael Maddox | Primerica 3rd: Ryan Conley | Edward Jones BEST CPA CONNER & ASSOCIATES LLC 20 3rd St SW Suite 306, Winter Haven (863) 268-4374 FB: Conner & Associates LLC IG @connerandassociatesllc Serving Winter Haven and the surrounding areas, Conner & Associates LLC offers personable tax, accounting, payroll, and business consulting services. The accounting firm’s mission is “to ease the burden of entrepreneurship on small business owners.” Conner & Associates are committed to providing timely, reliable tax and accounting services for their client’s personal and business needs. One client wrote, “Prompt, professional service. Positive experience from my initial inquiry phone call to the office. Windy was informative and efficient and Josh eased our concerns regarding a stressful tax situation. Highly recommend Connor & Associates!” 2nd: Wiggins, Smit, Burby, Reineke & CO P.A. 3rd: Campbell & Associates BEST ATTORNEY SOUTHERN ATLANTIC LAW GROUP, PLLC 520 6th St NW, Winter Haven (863) 656-6672 FB @WinterHavenbusinesslaw IG @southernatlanlawgroup The Southern Atlantic Law Group is a statewide civil litigation and appellate firm whose attorneys have extensive litigation experience in state and federal courts. This Winter Haven-based law firm prides itself on providing client-focused representation and positive results. Their practice areas include appellate law, business litigations, class action, contract disputes, corporate/ general counsel, hurricane damage, insurance claims, and personal injury. One five-star review reads in part, “Outstanding team, results-oriented professionals, proactive communication, highly intelligent, nonstop attention and strategic decisions to best represent our case. [...]” 2nd: The Law Offices of Carter J. Adams 3rd: Mark Turner | Straughn & Turner, P.A. BEST BANK MIDFLORIDA CREDIT UNION Multiple Locations FB @MIDFLORIDA IG @midflorida_creditunion MIDFLORIDA, a repeat Best Of Haven winner for Best Bank, is not-for-profit and member-owned, offering banking products and services from personal and business banking to loans, mortgages, and investing. It began in 1954 as Polk County Teachers Credit Union and now has nearly 65 branches as Central Florida’s community credit union. MIDFLORIDA places importance on personal attention and competitive rates. “At MIDFLORIDA Credit Union, we strive to provide our members with the tools and resources they need to make informed financial decisions and achieve their financial goals. We are dedicated to helping our members build a secure financial future and to creating a more financially stable community.” 2nd: Citizens Bank & Trust 3rd: SouthState Bank BEST INSURANCE AGENT ERIK SEALY | SEALY INSURANCE 3395 Cypress Gardens Rd, Winter Haven (863) 324-3100 FB: Sealy Insurance Serving the Winter Haven community for almost 20 years, Erik Sealy is an independent insurance agent representing over 30 home companies, 13 auto carriers, as well as commercial and financial markets to serve his clients. Whether you need home, life, auto, or business coverage, Best Of Haven voters agree you should seal the deal with Erik Sealy. One client wrote, “Erik Sealy is so knowledgeable when it comes to any and everything insurance related. He is very well experienced with this industry and will help with all your insurance needs, even if just for advice. He is your go to!” 2nd: Zinsmeister Insurance 3rd: Barfield Insurance & Financial Services BEST PRINT OR SIGN SHOP ASAP PRINTS 1606 Havendale Blvd NW, Winter Haven (863) 291-6807 FB: ASAP Prints IG @asapprints When you need a print job done right and ASAP, choose ASAP Prints! “Our passion is coming up with unique printing solutions for each individual client. We utilize creative design, innovative solutions and custom fabrication every time.” Services include paper printing, wall art and signs, and specialty products, including sunglasses, mugs, promo flags, and more. An excerpt from one client testimonial reads, “ASAP has been a trusted printing partner for Safety Products Inc since they opened their doors. We receive personal attention, immediate response, expert advice and quality finished products. Everyone at ASAP goes above and beyond what is expected and over time we have formed a trusted relationship that cannot be broken. [...]” 2nd: RayGraphics 3rd: Stacy’s Printing BEST DAYCARE PARKLAND PRESCHOOL 1800 8th St SE, Winter Haven 863-293-1207 FB: Parkland Baptist Church Who do you trust your tots with? Best Of Haven voters rave about Parkland Preschool at Parkland Baptist Church. Parkland serves ages twelve months to four years old. They also offer an after-school program for K-4th grade serving Brigham Academy, Garden Grove Elementary, Chain of Lakes Elementary, and Jewett School of the Arts. Parkland notes, “The school teaches biblical truths and spiritual values. The purpose of our program is to extend the ministry of Parkland Baptist Church providing the best possible care and education for children.” 2nd: Dreamers Bilingual Academy 3rd: Winter Haven Montessori BEST SPA SPA HAVEN 634 1st St S, Winter Haven (863) 514-0667 FB: SPA HAVEN IG @spahaven634 Spa Haven is the respite you need to “Rejuvenate. Revitalize. Restore.” Owner, Esthetician, Nail Technician, and Lash Artist Megan Gillis notes, “We strive to make every experience the best it can be and want you to walk out of here feeling confident.” This Winter Haven oasis offers facials, manicures, lash extensions, waxing, and tint and lash lift services. One beautified client writes in part, “I must say, Spa Haven should be named Spa Heaven. Because that is where my tech took me too! I was so comfortable and relaxed. I Highly Recommend coming here!! This was my first facial ever! And I will be returning. [...]” 2nd: Massage and Spinal Therapy of Winter Haven, Inc. 3rd: SPAscape BEST MEDICAL SPA ETERNAL YOUTH AESTHETICS 400 Ave K SE Suite 1, Winter Haven (239) 383-7625 FB: Eternal Youth Aesthetics, LLC IG @eternalyouthaestheticsllc Superior service, superior results. Eternal Youth Aesthetics Owner Jodi DeVries, Certified Cosmetic Injector, MS, APRN, CRNA, says, “I want you to look and feel younger, refreshed, and more confident. I want everyone to notice, but no one to know!” This med spa offers cosmetic injections, iS Clinical Skincare, and facial and body treatments, with clients raving things like, “Love this place! Get all your needs taken care of at one location. The staff is absolutely wonderful, and I can’t say enough about their customer service and response to any questions you might have via text, email, or a phone call.” 2nd: Massage and Spinal Therapy of Winter Haven, Inc. 3rd: Salt Room Winter Haven BEST HAIR SALON SPECTRUM STUDIO 219 3rd St SW, Winter Haven (863) 307-7500 IG @spectrumstudio In business for 20 years, Spectrum Studio is an iconic Winter Haven salon next to the “Lady on the Wall” mural. The studio offers an array of services, including hair design, nail and facial services, massage, and brow waxing. All services are by appointment only. Spectrum recently partnered with 7 Anchors, a modern boutique offering men’s and women’s casual wear and surf-style apparel. Fused with the white studio walls, a special art collection is permanently displayed by world-renowned artist Kenneth Treister from Miami. “Rainbow in the Clouds,” a large installation made up of 19 painted panels that blend the entire spectrum, greets guests immediately upon entry, starting a visit to the studio with an uplifting, positive and feel-good energy. 2nd: The U Salon 3rd: Posh Salon and Day Spa BEST BARBER BEST CUTS BARBER SHOP 213 Ave O SW, Winter Haven (863) 293-9433 FB @BestCutsWinterHaven IG @bestcutswinterhaven “Where the latest styles meet tradition. Our Barbers utilize techniques that have stood the test of time to create the Best Cuts around.” The team at Best Cuts Barber Shop offers services for men, women, and kids, including haircuts, beard trims, washes, hot towel shaves, and massages. One client writes, “Definitely recommend Best Cuts Barber Shop. Been going for several years now and have never been disappointed. Always friendly with great conversations. Great quality and great prices. You should check them out the next time you need a haircut.” 2nd: The Barber Bros. Hairstyling 3rd: The B Shop BEST NAIL SALON OASIS SPA AND NAILS 5535 Cypress Gardens Blvd #140, Winter Haven (863) 875-8869 FB: Oasis Spa & Nails IG Are you thinking of doing a powder pink or maybe a glitzy gold? Go to Oasis – they’ll nail it! Services include a full menu of manicures (including gel), pedicures, acrylic, and even kid services so you can have a spa day with your mini-me! According to Oasis, “Our priority is to make our clients feel pampered and relaxed while getting beautified here at our salon. We will maintain our progressiveness and edginess by creating the latest trends and offering an unforgettable experience throughout your stay with us. You belong here, you belong in luxury, you deserve pampering and excellence.” While you’re there, check out their facial, waxing, and eyelash extension services! 2nd: Spa Haven 3rd: Lucky Nails and Spa BEST TATTOO STUDIO ACES INK 838 6th St NW, Winter Haven (863) 875-3798 FB @acesinktattoo IG @acesinktattoo This repeat Best Of Haven tattoo studio winner must have a few aces up their sleeve! The shop’s mission is “to provide you with quality tattoos/ piercings in an amazing and sterile environment.” Aces Ink has a portfolio of clean, cool, creative tattoos – and numerous five-star ratings to back it up. The following excerpt is only one of hundreds of glowing reviews for the shop. “Absolutely love Aces Ink! All the artists’ work is phenomenal and they are all very friendly and welcoming. The atmosphere in the shop is comfortable as well. [...]” 2nd: Skinfinity Tattoo Company 3rd: Angry Elephant

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